Razer Blade 16 Speakers Linux | Razer Insider

Razer Blade 16 Speakers Linux

Userlevel 2

Hi there Razer,

Thanks for the Blade 16, it’s a good laptop and on linux it performs pretty well.

is there a way to enable the speakers in Linux? Headphones work, Microphones work but somehow the speaker won’t turn on (no sound). Is Razer aware of this issue and going to help resolve it?

21 Replies

Work around captured here:https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=207423

You need to write a service file to have that script initialize at boot, but works like a charm.


Fresh Arch install here on a 2024 Blade 16 and this patch isn’t working for me. I replaced hwC2D0 with hwC0D0 (as that’s all I have) with no difference. When I run alsamixer, the only card found is “Nvidia GPU a4 HDMI/DP” with 4 S/PDIF outputs all muted. Unmuting them doesn’t change anything. There are no other sound cards listed in alsamixer when I hit F6.


What am I missing?


I was missing the sof-firmware package. Once installed, along with the patch, worked as expected. Thanks!!

Work around captured here:https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=207423

You need to write a service file to have that script initialize at boot, but works like a charm.


Fresh Arch install here on a 2024 Blade 16 and this patch isn’t working for me. I replaced hwC2D0 with hwC0D0 (as that’s all I have) with no difference. When I run alsamixer, the only card found is “Nvidia GPU a4 HDMI/DP” with 4 S/PDIF outputs all muted. Unmuting them doesn’t change anything. There are no other sound cards listed in alsamixer when I hit F6.


What am I missing?

Work around captured here:https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=207423

You need to write a service file to have that script initialize at boot, but works like a charm.

Just check here - https://github.com/thesofproject/linux/issues/4055

Is this really an issue with Razor though? I’ve spent more time than I’d like to admit looking into this, but I can’t say I’d necessary put the blame on Razor. If we want this fixed, we need to jump on the various kernel bugs forms and provide enough information to come up with a patch to fix the problem.

Unfortunately, number of Linux users using razer is too small to make them care

I have the same issue on Razer Blade 16 2024 with Ubunt 22.04. I tried an EndeavorOS (arch) and same issue with internal speakers not working.

I understand this issue is reported on 2023 model too, so maybe Razer it's time to help fixing this?!

Userlevel 4

Have u tried reinstalling drivers or trying a older driver? I tried an older driver for my speakers on my blade 14 and it worked.

Had to return max configuration due to inability to get sound working on Linux :/ (2024 version still has this problem)

From my tries to make sound work (even reverse engineer windows driver) I am to conclusion that this is BIOS bug. There is no pin assignment listed in ACPI table to enable speakers and is left to windows driver to do heavy lifting. Speakers are working only  with windows realtek driver ...

I would really love for this to be resolved. Ubuntu feels so great on Razer Blade 16, this is the only issue I am having.


Userlevel 1

Unfortunately Razer simply does not care about Linux. This is why they’ve never bothered to port synapse, or even a simple lighting controller. It’s left entirely to the Linux community.

So we’re stuck waiting until someone with sufficient knowledge is able to hack a solution together and get the speakers working.

Same issue with Razer blade 14 (2023), no speakers sound on Linux (Arch, Debian, Ubuntu).
Alsa or pipewire both failing, mic is working

double post…. not sure why

I think this is an upstream bug.  If its pulse audio you can go here - https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/pulseaudio-bugs


same here

same issue here with the 18

Same on ubuntu 23.10 (I know, big upgrade from 23.04, eh?)

same here on Ubuntu 23.04 :(


Userlevel 2

Also having the same issue with the 16 blade running arch linux.
