RAZER Drivers Causing BSOD | Razer Insider
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Hello, I have had a ton of Blue Screens when playing games, over the past month or two. I found the RAM was defective so I had that replaced, the RAM replacement helped, but they still continue to occur, and after a ton of time using Driver Verifier, I found that the drivers listed below were causing the crashes. I have listed all my device specs, along with the Minidumps if you need them. Thanks for any help.

Drivers: RzDev_022a.sys, RzDev_005c.sys, RzCommon.sys

Stopcode: Driver_Verifier_Detected_Violation, Video_Scheduler_Internal_Error, Driver_Power_State_Failure, Dpc_Watchdog_Violation, System_Service_Exception, Kernel_Mode_Heap_Corruption

System Specs:

ACER Aspire E15-575G

CPU: Intel Core i5-7200U @ 2.50GHz

CPU: 2 Cores, 1 Socket, 4 Logical Peocessors, Base Speed: 2.70GHz

RAM: 8.0GB, 7.87 GB Usable

RAM: Speed: 2133 MHz, Form Factor: SODIMM

DISK: Samsung SSD 860 EVO 500GB

DISK: Capacity: 466GB, Formatted: Yes, Type: SSD

GPU 0: Intel HD Graphics 620

GPU 0: DirectX Version: 12, Driver Version:, Physical Location: PCI Bus 0 device 2 function 0

GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce 940MX

GPU 1: DirectX Version: 12, Driver Version: 12, Driver Version:, Physical Location: PCI Bus 1 Device 0 funtion 0, Hardware reserved memory: 37.9 MB

Motherboard: ACER Ironman_SK

SYSTEM INFO: Bios: V1.47

Windows 10 Version 2004

OS Build: 19041.450


Razer Devices: Cynosa Chroma, DeathAdder Elite

Minidumps: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Aqd4lArcjAjIqCEWYT45UPdtfYZZ

Razer has been dodging this problem since June , contacted them and they started a RMA process for all my devices, told me they couldn’t do anything about their software as it wasn’t in there control. At one point one person told me to “stop contacting them because I’m wasting their resources when they could be talking to more important customers,” always have had good experiences with Razer until now. They also said they couldn’t do anything to help with my laptop if it wasn’t a Blade. This has been a shit show, some guy on Reddit though has helped me through and made this situation a whole lot better. Apparently by GPU was causing errors, and Windows was just saying Razer drivers were faulty, even though they weren’t. Razer has provided no help, except for one nice support agent who pointed me in the right direction for help.
do razer even make case to this ?