razer kraken BT | Razer Insider

razer kraken BT

  • 19 April 2024
  • 0 replies



i recently got the BT kraken v2. Set it up a few days ago 

I got it because my old headset broke. Managed to connect it and sounded good on my phone so got it all set up on my pc. 

I only play Fortnite and unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work with it. Since connecting it my sound is horrendous (I’ve seen it says to change settings to stereo not hands free but when I do this I get 0 sound).


Because the game is trying to hard to get the audio to function (it’s crackly and has a huge delay on game sounds, voice chat seems fine) . My game is now lagging and the FPS is so low. I’ve changed everything to performance settings and played around with sound as per online recs. 


has anyone got any other solutions?? I know it’s not Fortnite as I can see streamers using this headset fine ? Is it because they have a separate mic?? Can I refund a lightly used product if it’s not suitable for the one game I play. 

Any help appreciated. I really want to get this workinf as I’ve wasted loads of money and as this is my first razer product it’s making me reluctant to buy anything else

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