Static Charge in Razer Mouse Hardware (Various Click Issues) | Razer Insider

Static Charge in Razer Mouse Hardware (Various Click Issues)

  • 5 January 2019
  • 0 replies

Is there a plan to improve the hardware under the mouse click buttons so that they do not inevitably become susceptible to this static charge problem?

The problem: Sometime after purchase of a Razer mouse there is a very high likelihood the mouse starts to double click. This is related to issues: Drag not working, random clicks when not requested.

The temp solution: Blow hot, humid air (your breath for ex) into the mouse hardware so that humid air can dissipate the static buildup on the hardware.

This solution works for a small amount of time. Eventually more clicking of the hardware builds the charge back up and it will start malfunctioning again.

We need a long term, permanent fix to this issue.

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