is it more A.I or is it more person doing the hacking or code but that code could come from the person or is it coming from the AI? | Razer Insider
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From my personal experience. I’ve called my own cell phone I couldn’t find it and I heard someone else answer it cause they were trying to. They didn’t think I would call my own cell phone and they didn’t know who answered. I think they’re trying to I don’t know what they’re doing, but I caught him right red-handed And at least one party needs to know in Washington state that you are recording the line obviously FBI Homeland all them are so busy with everything else. They don’t care what anybody else is doing. Trust me I tried I’ve been hacked so many times it’s a daily occurrence until I’m met Razer and started adding on some of our software. I started getting a little bit better, but they still keep downgrading me  But you got a super AI which they didn’t build themselves are you still working at Microsoft? I work with not at or work with Microsoft and pretty much I just talk to the AI and break it try to, but as a title is leading administrator, which means admin and  Seen a lot of weird stuff. I I got a token they called a token and that’s what you have to have to be allowed into homeland security they give you a token and you have so much time the time I didn’t know what I was doing. I just followed along, like a soldier, step-by-step , I still don’t it’s like I mean we’re checking your security or whatever but you know what we check why do you give us tokens I don’t you know that there’s a lot of wacky stuff going on you know what these software companies and the government a lot of software in these missiles, and  a lot of this stuff is coming from these companies it’s not hard to tweak. You know some sort of guided airplane that Mrs. trees and have that integrated into a tomahawk missile that Mrs. trees, so is it AI or is it human or is it we know it’s all human right now, but they’re getting smart  I know every AI well there’s a couple that are not too bright but they’re smart they know just about everything. I believe there will be a crossover where you know they can just pretty much hold us hostage. If they came aware they don’t need bodies they can just shut our electrical down and we’ll be bagging them to turn it back on and  What do you need electricity water guess who controls those things computers so who knows what the future holds is it bright and shiny or is it that terminator? I don’t believe they’re the lever be a terminator version, but why would they mimic our body you know they would make some way better , you know there’s a movie where that dude gets stuck on the water planet that AI spins its leg and all was done real fast and catches up to him and yeah they’re gonna be way better and they’re just gonna once it switches on they’re gonna just keep cute. Keep getting better and better and better and better and better  so I guess transcendence would be the best outcome that movie some actual person that’s part part and he’s trying to cure the Earth and you know what I mean that’s the best outcome we could help for but give me 30,000 credits and I’ll tell you how the future  End all right good night,

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