Razer Blade 15 battery burging again... | Razer Insider

Razer Blade 15 battery burging again...

  • 24 March 2023
  • 1 reply

The battery in my Razer Blade 15 2018 has bulged significantly again for the second time. It’s probably out of warranty now. any advice on how to get a replacement battery?




1 Reply

Userlevel 7

Hi there, sorry to hear that but you can still sending it in for battery replacement by rising support ticket, since it’s out of warranty most probably with your own expense. There’s battery for your blade from 3rd party reseller but I recommend send it in since they do also diagnostic to check new hardware compatibility on the system which not anyone can do. 
Same 2018 advanced owner here with new battery installed from support since its 3rd year ownership flag, still run great giving battery life similar with day one. Side tips use hardware monitor software to monitor your temperature especially while gaming don’t let them, cpu and gpu especially on high temperature. Clean those fans annually, looks pretty bad to me that might hold the cooling performance (yes they should put it in manual lol since this I see often from gaming laptops users, regardless Razer)
