Best eq settings for Kraken Tournament Edition (in my opinion) | Razer Insider
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Best eq settings for Kraken Tournament Edition (in my opinion)

  • 25 November 2020
  • 2 replies

I just got a brand new Razer Kraken Tournament Edition, and I spend hours customizing my setting to make it sound perfect, and I thought that I should share it, to help people start configuring their eq settings.

31Hz - +6
63Hz - +4
125Hz - +2
250Hz - +1
500Hz - 0
1kHz - +2
2kHz - +1
4kHz - +2
8kHz - +3
16kHz - +5

With sound normalization at 25, and finally bass around 60%
Of course your may like other settings, but I think that this is a good place to start.

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2 Replies

  • 2 replies
  • December 2, 2020
hey, thanks, but can you be more specific?

31Hz - 6 (+-)?
63Hz - 4 (+-)?
125Hz - 2 (+-)?
250Hz - 1 (+-)?
500Hz - 0(+-)?
1kHz - 2(+-)?
2kHz - 1(+-)?
4kHz - 2(+-)?
8kHz - 3(+-)?
16kHz - 5(+-)?

  • Author
  • Insider Mini
  • 1 reply
  • December 2, 2020
hey, thanks, but can you be more specific?

31Hz - 6 (+-)?
63Hz - 4 (+-)?
125Hz - 2 (+-)?
250Hz - 1 (+-)?
500Hz - 0(+-)?
1kHz - 2(+-)?
2kHz - 1(+-)?
4kHz - 2(+-)?
8kHz - 3(+-)?
16kHz - 5(+-)?

Oh, the "-" is misleading, all of them are +

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