improving the razer audio mixer | Razer Insider

improving the razer audio mixer

  • 22 October 2022
  • 0 replies

razer recently released a new product, the audio mixer. i was very excited because i’ve been thinking of getting a goxlr, and as a razer fan, i would love to buy a razer goxlr. however, the audio mixer was a little underwhelming, and i think it could be improved in many ways. in terms of software, i really do think synapse should be less buggy according to others’ experiences, but personally i haven’t had much issues. however, i think the software has a lot of potential. the voice changer most notably router login, it only gives you a few options,basically low pitch and high pitch. i think that if adding a full on voice customizer is too much, having note diverse voice effects could make it more appealing. examples are the goxlr effects, hard-tune, megaphone, schatt’s funny mic, etc. to my knowledge most of these should be possible by changing just software, so i don’t see why it can’t be done. this would make it more likely for me to get the razer, instead of shamefully using the goxlr instead as a razer fan. i also think that since the audio mixer is very small, comparable to the goxlr mini, i think an audio mixer the size of a regular goxlr would be pretty nice, having exclusive features like more buttons, fader motors, better quality, more voice effects, something like an audio mixer pro i think would make it more appealing.

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