Razer Kraken Ultimate Sound Blast Please Help | Razer Insider
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I know it sounds a little strange, but I don't know how to translate it into English from my own language.

When I watch a normal video or music video from Chrome with THX feature turned on on Synapse 3, I hear a burst of sound almost regularly for a second, when I rewind the video and listen to the same place again, I do not hear this sound.

Is it because THX is on? Should I not use the THX feature on Chrome?

Could you please help? I just bought the headset and I am unsure if it is a return.


Another situation I have just noticed is that I hear a similar crackling noise when I press the Discord PTT button. Again, it is not always heard, for example, when I press push-to-talk, I hear the normal only informing sound of the discord. The next time I press the discord, a crackling sound is heard from the back along with the informing sound of the discord.

I mean, it's not a constant situation every now and then, but it happens often, and it's really frustrating to hear that noise.
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