Assistance building a computer | Razer Insider
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Hey all!

I don't have any tech-y friends and I have never built a computer before. I have been trying to learn, could I get some comments on these parts?

Obviously the 2080 isn't in stock so I just manually entered the price of 700

PCPartPicker Part List:

CPU: Intel Core i7-10700K 3.8 GHz 8-Core Processor ($378.99 @ B&H)

CPU Cooler: NZXT Kraken X63 RGB 91.19 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($179.99 @ Amazon)

Motherboard: MSI MPG Z490 GAMING PLUS ATX LGA1200 Motherboard ($169.99 @ Adorama)

Memory: G.Skill Trident Z RGB 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory ($97.99 @ Newegg)

Memory: G.Skill Trident Z RGB 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory ($97.99 @ Newegg)

Storage: Western Digital SN750 2 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive ($274.99 @ Amazon)

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 10 GB Founders Edition Video Card ($700.00)

Case: Razer Tomahawk ATX ATX Mid Tower Case ($199.99 @ Amazon)

Power Supply: NZXT C 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply ($132.99 @ B&H)

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($108.78 @ Other World Computing)

Total: $2341.70

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2021-01-03 10:08 EST-0500
I personally like AMD over Intel but I feel like this is a solid build with the 10700K and Z490 if the price isn't too much of an issue. No bottlenecking gonna occur here. You would still need peripherals so don't forget to count in your monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc, if you haven't already. Just to further comment on the price, there are "other" means of obtaining windows os for much less.
Yep that's a nice system, actually very similar to mine right now. Your PSU watts is matched well and the 10700k is a really good deal lately.
Nice setup, but as @ANonABento - I'd go with AMD 😉
The specs you mentioned above is a solid killer machine, but as everyone mentioned AMD vs Intel is entirely up to you and your usage of the machine. Cheers!