Note regarding the Razer Raiju Ultimate and Tournament Edition | Razer Insider

Note regarding the Razer Raiju Ultimate and Tournament Edition

  • 28 January 2019
  • 64 replies

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See what i was talking about? Imagine that for me and some others the left stick and the right stick had different results but both had a terrible output so that should tell u something about their overall quality. The people who claim the controller works fine, if they do that test they will get similar results but somehow they cant feel the difference in game. I think anyone wanting to pay that much money for an elite controller should have a high enough game sense to realise the controller isnt working as intended, its not accurate at all even when it doesnt stick drift and the deadzones are way off.

There is another test u perform on Windows or Linux, somewhere in the control panel, if u see the results there ur gonna wish u never bought that thing, i sure did. Got my refund tho and now im waiting on where to spend it. Astro is taking their sweet time with the C40 tho.

Weird though. My controller does work fine despite the test. I respect your opinion, But i'm beginning to think that you are just here to bash on this controller. You have your refund, and are waiting for the astro c40. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with the raiju ultimate. So did I, But I kept rma-ing it untill I got a working unit. Im sure not everybody wants to do that, but please respect the people that do. 😉. I wish you all the best with your astro c40 controller. Hope you can enjoy it soon my friend 🙂.
Are there any tests like this for other manufacturers?

How do you know, this test is accurate or there is a practical relevance in it's results?
Are there any tests like this for other manufacturers?

How do you know, this test is accurate or there is a practical relevance in it's results?

In that video there is also a test for the Nacon Rev Pro and a couple people have sent their pics in a reddit thread about the Astro C40 and it was the same as the DS4, the Nacon was looking more like a polygon. I dont have the Astro C40 yet but i have the rest of them, DS4 was fine, Nacon was a polygon, Ultimate was horrendous.

As for the 2nd question, if you go to a mechanic and he does the balance test for your car and the results are that your car inclines to go to the right and needs balancing, would u ask the same question? "How do you know, this test is accurate or there is a practical relevance in it's results?". Its accurate, you press something, the input is your hand, so you know what ur doing and the output is what you see on your screen. When the Astro C40 is ok, the Nacon Rev Pro is ok, the original DS4 is ok, the original Razer Raiju is ok but the Ultimate and Tournament arent, you think there's something wrong with the test? You do the movement, the software in the controller's processor translates that movement into data, the results are like the graph of a equasion in the double axis, the output of the whole driver for the sticks is a certain point and that output is renewed multiple times per tenths of a second. Lets say you move ur curson 1mm upwards, the driver will translate it into this: 0.0 , 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 etc but obviously the output isnt an integer. Thats all it is.

Im a programmer and i have written lots of drivers for lots of hardware. All the test does is "print" those numbers out for you. I used to believe it was a bad driver. Now im not sure anymore, it seemed impossible for me to believe that it was a bad hardware part cuz they got through this process with the first Raiju Ultimate and in the end it was working fine so they should have experience in creating them, but at this point i dont know whats the problem, all i know is that they replaced the hardware in v1.04 and its still not working correctly, then they released another firmware update, v1.05 so in all honesty, i think this is a huge mess. I have come across this before, a company creating a good product after many many adjustments and in the next product trying to make the manufacturing cheaper so they get more profit but i didnt want to believe that Razer would do this. Now i dont really see any other explanation out there.

I understand that 200 euro is a lot of money and we dont like to hear that it wasnt wisely spent but in this case there is proof of the controller not being ok. Also i dont know what else to tell you, from the moment i got my first v1.04 in my hands i wrote time and time again that something is off, it isnt accurate, you cant microadjust, the deadzones are off etc. If you search my posts u will see it and it was LONG before i saw of this test. I got 3 v1.04 controllers in my hands and ALL of them were the same. I was reading of people who were saying their controller was fine, getting 3 controllers in a row that were bad wouldnt be possible if the majority of their controllers were ok, it seemed odd to me. I saw few people like me saying it didnt work well and they had the same feeling i had.

Then people pointed out that there's a test out there that showcases the output of your controller. I tried it and it proved exactly what i was saying, the controller is off. And everyone who was saying that their controller works fine when they are asked to showcase it with the test, they get negative results. The only thing that this proves is that many people cant understand that it doesnt work correctly. Instead of trying to protect or justify this controller, protect your pocket. I bought it here for 230 euro and its working way worse than the 50 euro DS4.

The only thing this test isnt accurate for is the ammount of drifting the controller does. It narrows the output into a certain triangle or polygon. There is another test which is like a 2D cursor with real time movement and there the Nacon Rev Pro doesnt do so well and the Ultimate and Tournament are horrible. Im gonna find that other test and send it to you in a moment

This is the test:

If you want to do it in Windows then im gonna copy paste a comment from that video: Go in Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Devices and Printers. Right click on the controller and open "Game controller settings". On the "Game Controllers" window just opened open "Properties" and you'll then have a window with a similar application you see in this video.

You can see the results of the Nacon Rev Pro using a polygon actually translate poorly compared to a rhombus and this is why most use a driver like that. I did that test too. The DS4 was ok, the Nacon was bad, the Ultimate was abysmal.
I have Raiju Ultimate with 1.03 still having left stick drifting to the right a bit. Bought on Amazon on October so too late for refund.
This is clearly an hardware issue and support suggested me to contact my reseller (?!?!). I would have expected an immediate replacement by Razer itself for a FAULTY product....
When I move the right analog to the left it sometimes works slower, it makes the game impossible, especially in fps games
Update made on January 28, 2019 PST

We take a lot of pride at Razer to provide gamers with the best gaming hardware. Our team puts in a lot of heart and sweat to innovate and define what makes for a premium gaming experience across different devices & platforms.

That is why it can be painful to admit when we’ve not met these expectations: both yours and ours.

This happened with our first line-up of wireless PlayStation 4 controllers – the Razer Raiju Ultimate and Raiju Tournament Edition. We opted to work with PS4’s native Bluetooth connection, a protocol used by the DualShock 4 controller that’s new to us. We quickly found out after shipping that our controllers did not live up to the Razer promise – while they worked great on cable, the wireless latency was just not acceptable in certain scenarios.

Through extensive work by our engineers, we’ve developed a firmware that significantly improves latency – effectively shaving off 30 ms in response time compared to the original firmware. We’ve taken extra measures to avoid introducing new bugs and stability issues. In parallel to our own and Sony’s qualification testing, we rolled out a beta testing program with our community and existing users. After 45 days of thorough testing, we are pleased to say that the new firmware has been widely rolled out and has addressed the reported latency issues.

This firmware (v1.03) is now available as a firmware update (via PC) here:

The updated firmware has since been implemented into new units. Should you think that you may have purchased an affected unit – make sure to update to the latest firmware. For additional assistance, you may contact our Razer Support Team at

We apologize for missing the mark. We thank you for your honest feedback and you should always continue to hold us to higher standards. We can and will strive to do better.

This firmware is still broken. I get stick drift wired. What happened to the new batch of 1.04 controllers?
I got one, as the CS agent confirmed I will 100% sure get one

Mu first Raiju TE had similar issues, the left stick had to the left a HUGE dead zone, and it was in the neutral position drifting to the right. The second one had the same with the right stick. Now, the new one, 1.04 doesnt still have any issues
Hello everyone, I am from Taiwan, my English is not good, I can only use GOOGLE translation. My RAZER RAIJU TE has stick drift, version 1.03. RAZER's service in Taiwan is not so complete, so I need assistance. I know I can't get RMA, so I need v1.04 update to update my RAZER RAIJU TE
Sorry you're still having problems @OrchidbizRUBY943 can you tell me if your Raiju is on 1.04?

I updated it after your posted about update so it is 1.03. This update make things worse than before. Yesterday I opened new case about my RMA. Hope that you will make things better with new unit.
you guys still sell the Raiju Ultimate if yes where do I buy it
still waiting for answers from multiple support requests. they wont even release newer firmware to the public and direct requests go unanswered.
I bought the ultimate raiju in poland, after returning to the shop for a complaint 3 weeks later I got information from the controller is not repairable and there will be money back!

This piece of garbage is not working as supossed to after several updates. Razer is not answering to my emails. In my opinion people should to something about it. I recorded a short video providing the both stick issue. The funniest thing is that this is my 4th replacement... Still impossible to play the games with it.

The same problem /:

Update made on January 28, 2019 PST

We take a lot of pride at Razer to provide gamers with the best gaming hardware. Our team puts in a lot of heart and sweat to innovate and define what makes for a premium gaming experience across different devices & platforms.

That is why it can be painful to admit when we’ve not met these expectations: both yours and ours.

This happened with our first line-up of wireless PlayStation 4 controllers – the Razer Raiju Ultimate and Raiju Tournament Edition. We opted to work with PS4’s native Bluetooth connection, a protocol used by the DualShock 4 controller that’s new to us. We quickly found out after shipping that our controllers did not live up to the Razer promise – while they worked great on cable, the wireless latency was just not acceptable in certain scenarios.

Through extensive work by our engineers, we’ve developed a firmware that significantly improves latency – effectively shaving off 30 ms in response time compared to the original firmware. We’ve taken extra measures to avoid introducing new bugs and stability issues. In parallel to our own and Sony’s qualification testing, we rolled out a beta testing program with our community and existing users. After 45 days of thorough testing, we are pleased to say that the new firmware has been widely rolled out and has addressed the reported latency issues.

This firmware (v1.03) is now available as a firmware update (via PC) here:

The updated firmware has since been implemented into new units. Should you think that you may have purchased an affected unit – make sure to update to the latest firmware. For additional assistance, you may contact our Razer Support Team at

We apologize for missing the mark. We thank you for your honest feedback and you should always continue to hold us to higher standards. We can and will strive to do better.

Updated a Faile not fix
ผมใช้Razer wolverine ultimateตัวนี้ แต่ผมซื้อ razer laiju ultiimate มาเล่นเกม Modern Combat Versusใช้งานไม่ได้ แต่ Razer wolverine ultimate เล่นได้ครับ มันเกิดข้อผิดพลาดตรงไหนครับ
My language is not English so I apologize in advance.

I'll try to describe something extremely weird that happened to my Raiju ULTIMATE firmware 1.03 (so the very first batch).

IMPORTANT NOTE 1: I still do not suggest to BUY this product which is completely faulty. In fact, I've already found a replacement in nacon e soon I'll buy from Astro.

IMPORTANT NOTE 2: I did this because I intended to trash my Raiju Ultimate!!!!
I do not suggest to disassemble your controller and I decline every responsibilities on what could be possibily happen!

IMPORTANT NOTE 3: Due to erratic behavior of this product: this can be ONLY a fluke. And I dont have an explaination for this.

I ripped apart to every single piece my controller, I polished every single screw and pcb and connector. I inverted the thumbsticks (the half dome metal part).

Finally...I assembled everything, carefully putting every piece at place.

Result: playing 6 hours NO STOP Division 2/Anthem no problems AT ALL. I'm sure that is playable because Division 2 has ingame configurable dead zone, and I did many try.

Before this, every game where unplayable: heavy left stick drift to right and occasional LAG occurring on right thumbstick. Wired and wireless.

I do not have time to make video nor screenshots, so stick to this easy brief guide:

- in the back of controller there are two screws hidden by SN label. Remove those.
- other six screws are on both sides: gently REMOVE with pressure the back-lateral soft plastic black band (the one tessellated).
- you can access inside and you'll find 8 other little screws in the PCB. Remove them.

It's very easy and intuitive. Hope this help.
I had TE and it has input lag issue, as well as left stick drift, I contacted service centre in Singapore and got a replacement set. Unfortunately, the replacement set is faulty and having same issues as well. I emailed them again and they asked me to contact the shop that I have bought from. Finally I managed to get full refund.
I won't use it wired too when playing dark Souls...
I've been using the C40 for 3 weeks and have not had a single problem or performance issue. My Razer Raiju was UNUSABLE from day one.
Just to share another story here: I have one new Razer Raiju Ultimate with 1.04 and had - for months - a first batch with 1.03 and I am very satisfied with both of them.

I have had lag with the first batch before updating to 1.03, but afterwards, it was all fine for me.

The hardware is awesome and I enjoy this controller a lot.

I can confirm a small drift of the right stick, if you remove the deadzone at all and increase the sensitivity to a high value, but that's something I saw on the original Sony, Nacon and Scuf too with those extrem settings.

I am very satisfied and since the Razer's have four extra buttons, I will take them over the Astro, which I expect to be good too.

And for all the people having problems here and on Amazon: You are a pretty small number compared to the sold items. It's only a few dozen people here and there. If they sold like 1000, it's like 0.5% of all consumers.

Way to go and improve, Razer, but no reason to talk about a "serious" problem and "it's all shit and broken".

Stay reasonable and I love my Razer!

Thank you!
I did like that Raiju had 4 extra buttons instead of the C40's 2. But, unfortunately, I must have been one of those few unlucky folks who could never get the Raiju to work properly.
@MrBunny420: Can you detail any further what you mean "never work properly"?
@MrBunny420: Can you detail any further what you mean "never work properly"?

I purchased two separate Raiju TE. The first one came with v1.1 firmware installed, and I updated to v1.3. Even after the upgrade I experienced what I thought was input lag and stick drift, on both wired and wireless connections. Games were not playable due to the controller being so erratic. I returned it.

I then bought another Raiju TE which came with the v1.4 firmware installed. The controller seemed more stable however there was a distinct difference on what I was doing on controller and what was happening on the screen. The movement was incredibly erratic, and jumped around in a non-linear fashion. I keep switching between my DualShocks, SCUFs, and the Raiju to make sure it wasn't me. The Raiju just did not work properly. This again happened in both wired and wireless mode. I returned it, and bought an Astro.
The Raiju just did not work properly. This again happened in both wired and wireless mode. I returned it, and bought an Astro.

That sucks, lucky me, mine is fine.

Are you happy with the Astro? I really thought about getting one, but there is that „only two buttons“ thing. Otherwise I expect it to be a pretty good controller.

And since you have that much experience, how can you compare Astro and Razer to Scuf?
New Nacon came out. Let's see what they did! Razer doesn't give a s.. about their controllers and clients.
can u do this test and post some photos of it here?

Will do, and if this is the result, I stand corrected and sell my Raijus instantly. 😞