Original Raiju button difficult to press | Razer Insider
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I accidentally dropped my Razer Raiju 2-3 times (damn that cable) and now the triangle button is difficult to press. It seems to ease a little with continued use though... by which I mean, when I pick up my controller tonight the button will be very noticeably 'sticky' but within say half an hour it seems to have 'warmed up' so it's a bit easier (or maybe I just get used to it) - it doesn't depress as easily as all the other buttons though.

Is there any way to fix this? Would rather not have to shell out $350 AUD for a new one, if possible.

Thanks. 🙂
Qtip and 100% alcohol my friend. Also if your already out of warranty maybe just take it apart... Considerably simple. Pretty sure its just phillips screwdriver.