Powering a Legacy of Play
Meet the new Razer Universal Quick Charging Stand for Xbox 20th Anniversary Limited Edition. Powering a legacy of play, this charging stand celebrates 20 years of gaming, passion, and friendships while keeping your controller at prime power levels.
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Wow, transparent pad looks awesome.
this looks awesome in a setup!
I definitely agree this would look awesome in a setup
fancy. this is cool
I wish i was a console gamer.
Love the 20 on that. It looks even better combined with the 20th anniversary controller!
Looks good for Xbox players!
Very cool stand
I like the overall design
Cal I play some PC game with this?
Look so cool !!
Sooooooo does it come with the companion controller or no?
Awesome Console players!
Make this for PC and it's a deal.
Looks crazy, imagine if the transparent pad had RGB as well and not just limited for consoles
it's so cooooool!
Looks worth trying... lez goooo
Able to fully charge your controller in under 3 hours, the stand is also designed with overcharge protection to prevent overheating and short circuiting.
Bir Oyun Mirasını Güçlendirmek
Xbox 20th Anniversary Limited Edition için yeni Razer Evrensel Hızlı Şarj Standı ile tanışın. Bir oyun mirasına güç veren bu şarj standı, oyun kumandanızı en yüksek güç seviyelerinde tutarken 20 yıllık oyun, tutku ve dostlukları kutlar.
Ön siparişler başladığında haberdar olmak için kaydolun: https://rzr.to/charging-stand-xbox-20th-anniversary
Bence çok iyi ya sizin olmasını ister misiniz?
Love it!
Done I likey!!
Looks sweet, Happy 20y anniversary btw
Nice color scheme for xbox users
i have to say, these are very well designed