Heroes of Might and Magic 3.
What I would need is a wrist rest (together with the Huntsman Elite) because of horrific amount of time spent at the keyboard.
Dota 2
I might need a Razer Goliathus - Extended Pad to make my reactions faster
(sadly after over 5000 hours of gameplay i am still a noob)
Without doubt i'd chosse World of Warcraft.
With a Tartarus Pro on my left and a Basilisk Ultimate on my right, i would gladly go for any BG or a first down.
CoD MW, Battlefront 2
Würde wenn das neue Razer Blade 15" bevorzugen. Mein 13" ist da leider nicht mehr zu fähig. Darum spiel ich meist auf der PS4. Als Maus bevorzuge ich die Basilisk. Würde gerne mal einen Razer PS4 Controller ausprobieren, da ich nur einen Nacon Pro Controller hab.
Momentan bin ich noch am sparen und erhoffe mir für 2020 folgendes Setup:
- Razer Blade 15" mit RTX 2080 Q Max
- Razer Tastatur Black Mamba
- Basilisk Pro oder evtl. die Viper
- Razer Monitor (Wenn es ihn dann endlich bei uns zu kaufen gibt)
Mein Blade Stealth wird dann nur noch unterwegs oder auf der Couch genutzt. Mein Kraken Headset ist noch Top und wird mich sicher noch ne Weile begleiten.
Would prefer if the new Razer Blade 15"". Unfortunately, my 13" is no longer capable. That's why I usually play on the PS4. As a mouse, I prefer the Basilisk. I'd love to try a Razer PS4 controller because I only have a Nacon Pro controller.
At the moment I am still saving and hope for the following setup for 20120:
- Razer Blade 15" with RTX 2080 Q Max
- Razer Keyboard Black Mamba
- Basilisk Pro or possibly the Viper
- Razer Monitor (when it's finally available to buy from us)
My Blade Stealth will only be used on the road or on the couch. My kraken headset is still top and will surely accompany me for a while.
Minecraft 😝
I'm kidding! I would probably go with a survival game like h1z1, pubg, rust, the forest, dayZ, Fallout. Something like that. I really like the aspect of scrounging for supplies and strategizing to survive until the end.
Weapons of choice would be a headset for sure! You have to be able to hear the enemy trying to sneak up on you! Something like the Razer Kraken ultimate or tournament or the Tiamat would probably be perfect for this task!
Overwatch or TF2, I guess a team based shooter is my preference but yeah I just absolutely love playing with a supportive team and game mechanics that complement team play over individuality.
After spending 5500 hours in CS GO I will say if I had to pick I would go for CS GO but to be honest with how hectic the pro player lifestyle is I wouldnt want it as a permanent job, maybe for a few years but it gets difficult to balance their work with family life etc.
PUBG Mobile
Definitely Overwatch, and my name would have to be Munkii ... but I would play anybody EXCEPT Winston. This would just confuse the heck out of all opposing team members, because when they yell out "MONKEY MONKEY MONKEY MONKEY MONKEY!!!!!" are they telling about me ... or Winston?
I would like to crash with COD multiplayer tournaments or age of empires and be good in it. With a Razer Huntsman TE keyboard, Death adder mouse and Kraken TE headset. :big_grin_:
Rainbow six siedge
with Razer Basilisk Ultimate
Mario Kart 😭😭😭
YAHOO CHESS .... I'd be like a grand master 9000 level
Quake 2. Used to play it "seriously" back in my youth.
As for gear, definitely a DeathAdder Elite as that would slot right in for the mouse I used to play with back then.
One more for Overwatch here, i'm really thinking about making a team with some ppl and starting doing some tournaments.
World of warcraft with my current Naga (give wireless naga gain already), or Overwatch with Basilisk ultimate
I would like to be a Pro Gamer for Tetris and my Razer arsenal would be my old and faithful DeathAdder Chroma mouse.
Considering that Call of Duty is the only game that I actively play online, I guess Call of Duty would be it. If I won the Razer Viper I think it'd help me out a lot.
Razer Electra V2, Razer Sphex V2
Dota 2 coupled with Razer DeathAdder for that sweet mouse action!
I'd want to be a pro gamer for dark souls with a trusty DeathAdder and blackwidow. Seeing how rolling is the name of the game, it will be a battle of will and endurance, ofcourse I've been training myself everyday for 2 years with 100squats, 100 pushups, 100 situps and 10 KM runs just to prepare myself for when that day comes.
(PS: I haven't gone bald yet)
I prefer FPS so I would choose Counter Strike Global Offensive. The gear I would definitely get is the Razer Viper based on how lightweight and quick the response is.
If I were to be a pro gamer, I would love to play Apex Legends professionaly along with my trusty Razer Lancehead Tournament Edition. I rarely see people talk about this mouse, a bit underrated but will always be the perfect mouse for me.
Ski free.
I'd definitely need a Razer Blade Pro 17 with the 240hz display to make sure I'm getting maximum frames to outrun the yeti.
I know I have 0.001% chance I would love to have one. since this year is very rough for me. planned upgrade but didn't happen so I'm just hoping to win so I can upgrade one of my pherips.