A few tips on chatting with Razer Support based on my own experience | Razer Insider
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A few tips on chatting with Razer Support based on my own experience

  • 28 October 2022
  • 8 replies

HI All,

I think that it would be good to build some kind of glossary to understand properly the reply you are given with. I gathered them during the repair currently takes place (24 days now since delivered to razer warehouse).

I will describe in details while i will get the device back (24 days left since unit has been delivered) but in meantime a few terms I know the meaning of:

Term: meaning: example usage

Agent: a bot who can apologise in hundreds different ways, usualy can read, has access to nothing but details you already know: -------

Apologies: nothing : We truly apologies for the delay

Being assured: just forget : Let me assure you

Believe: just forget : Please, believe you will be immediately informed.

Having a word: nothing : You have my word

Follow to the other team: nothing : Let me follow the case to the proper team.

Making a note: doing nothing : I will make a note so the other team...

Management: mythical instance mentioned from time to time: Our management has approved it

Prioritizing: exactly nothing: : We will propritize this immediately

Promise: nothing : I promise you we got an approval

Understanding: we give shit about your problem : We deeply understand possition you are coming from

VIP Response Team: the most useless part of support: We will prioritze this case to VRT team.

Follow the case to: nothing : I will follow the case to senior consultant.

How specific questions are addressed

Asking about feedback
: ignored, you are always given with no precise replies including terms 'ASAP, immediately, as soon as I have a feedback, after the discussion is settled and so on

Asking about the date
: ignored or usually you are given with the answers like: " in 24-48 business hours" , "in 3 business days", "within the day". Of course all of provided terms means exactly nothing

Although they seem to be funny but actually based on my experience they are true so if you met them in conversation you know the true meaning of them now.

Do you know others? :)

HI All,

I think that it would be good to build some kind of glossary to understand properly the reply you are given with. I gathered them during the repair currently takes place (24 days now since delivered to razer warehouse).

I will describe in details while i will get the device back (24 days left since unit has been delivered) but in meantime a few terms I know the meaning of:

Term: meaning: example usage

Agent: a bot who can apologise in hundreds different ways, usualy can read, has access to nothing but details you already know: -------

Apologies: nothing : We truly apologies for the delay

Being assured: just forget : Let me assure you

Believe: just forget : Please, believe you will be immediately informed.

Having a word: nothing : You have my word

Follow to the other team: nothing : Let me follow the case to the proper team.

Making a note: doing nothing : I will make a note so the other team...

Management: mythical instance mentioned from time to time: Our management has approved it

Prioritizing: exactly nothing: : We will propritize this immediately

Promise: nothing : I promise you we got an approval

Understanding: we give shit about your problem : We deeply understand possition you are coming from

VIP Response Team: the most useless part of support: We will prioritze this case to VRT team.

Follow the case to: nothing : I will follow the case to senior consultant.

How specific questions are addressed

Asking about feedback
: ignored, you are always given with no precise replies including terms 'ASAP, immediately, as soon as I have a feedback, after the discussion is settled and so on

Asking about the date
: ignored or usually you are given with the answers like: " in 24-48 business hours" , "in 3 business days", "within the day". Of course all of provided terms means exactly nothing

Although they seem to be funny but actually based on my experience they are true so if you met them in conversation you know the true meaning of them now.

Do you know others? :)


Your evaluation is duly noted. I am not here to refute your claim and what you've experienced while contacting our Support Team. Allow me to review your contact history by sending me the case number via PM so I can also tap the said team and move things along. I appreciate your cooperation.
Dont get me wrong. It's nothing personal but I dont trust razer support representative although I know that some of them would have helped but they lack of tools and information. I will send you the case number but I don't believe in any positive outcome of your review. Ive heard, met too much ignorance from your side to believe that you are able to understand the customer or to help. Please watch my next post about my experience when I briefly describe me experience with the current repair.

Anyway, thanks for your willingnes for help
Lol, apparently I am not able to create another thread and describe my case. What a coincidence

OK, it seems that there is lenght limit so I need to cut my text a little bit: heres the link /sad-story-with-razer-support-blade-15-advanced-3rd-repair.89594/
Dont get me wrong. It's nothing personal but I dont trust razer support representative although I know that some of them would have helped but they lack of tools and information. I will send you the case number but I don't believe in any positive outcome of your review. Ive heard, met too much ignorance from your side to believe that you are able to understand the customer or to help. Please watch my next post about my experience when I briefly describe me experience with the current repair.

Anyway, thanks for your willingnes for help

I understand. There's always room for improvement, and this scenario is the best example to put the squeeze on. I'll be scanning my inbox and checking the case number sent. I appreciate it.
Speed: you work in corporation where KPIs are as daily bread. I dont believe that responsible management is not aware of such behavior. You can read hundreds of similar stories across the Internet, maybe not so drastic, but I believe now, that most of them are true.

I cannot understand one thing - how multiple people may lie to the customer. I wouldnt believe in others story in case someone would tell me that for a several days there were arrangements in place and then the other side pretends as nothing happend. There is no excuse for such behavior and all the employee and the manager who tolerates or expects such behavior should be fired immediately!

Lets see what will happen. If I see any schratch or dead pixel on the replacement unit I will be furious and definitely this case will end up in court ( yes, I was promised during chat that the refurbished unit will look like a new one!)

Anyway, thanks!
So you closed the other thread so other people cannot see how real conversation with Razer support look like? You asked me for contacting you privately, so I did. I cannot see you have responded yet. I cannot see as well any value-added related to your intervention:

- VRT still pretends as nothing has happend, no arrangements took place as well as,

- no one has contacted Fedex and provided lacking information, its 5 days now in customs

Razer Support is completely useless!

Speed: you work in corporation where KPIs are as daily bread. I dont believe that responsible management is not aware of such behavior. You can read hundreds of similar stories across the Internet, maybe not so drastic, but I believe now, that most of them are true.

I cannot understand one thing - how multiple people may lie to the customer. I wouldnt believe in others story in case someone would tell me that for a several days there were arrangements in place and then the other side pretends as nothing happend. There is no excuse for such behavior and all the employee and the manager who tolerates or expects such behavior should be fired immediately!

Lets see what will happen. If I see any schratch or dead pixel on the replacement unit I will be furious and definitely this case will end up in court ( yes, I was promised during chat that the refurbished unit will look like a new one!)

Anyway, thanks!

I do understand your commentary and your concern regarding the replacement unit. I am a customer at the end of the day. I like to utilize my devices/gadgets' functionalities and expect them to last. I will pass this over to the team.

So you closed the other thread so other people cannot see how real conversation with Razer support look like? You asked me for contacting you privately, so I did. I cannot see you have responded yet. I cannot see as well any value-added related to your intervention:

- VRT still pretends as nothing has happend, no arrangements took place as well as,

- no one has contacted Fedex and provided lacking information, its 5 days now in customs

Razer Support is completely useless!

On the other hand, the Razer Insider support board is used by our users to get in touch with Razer Support, (which is me, Razer.ZionZedd, and Razer.Caziel) directly. Once we engage our customers, we lock threads to prevent others from hi-jacking, posting unrelated info/topics, or perosnal info in public, which most of the time happens. Furthermore, we recommend initiating discussions outside the support board if they have a specific concern, the main reason we have several boards per device. We don't close it so other folks in the community can interact and give inputs. Moreover, I linked this thread to your other post so other users can check your original post, which is still open. By the way, I replied to your PM.