Birthday and Mouse achievement? | Razer Insider
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So for my birthday (around a week ago) i got a razer basilisk mouse. I started looking at razer stuff and came across this website. I made the account on my birthday, but did not recieve the birthday achievement. i also did not recieve the mouse achievement. I have attached the picture of my mouse registered.

Any help would be great.
Did you set your birthday in your "personal details" section in your profile settings here on Insider?

For the mouse, sometimes achievements take a while to register (at times it could be a couple of weeks).
Did you set your birthday in your "personal details" section in your profile settings here on Insider?

For the mouse, sometimes achievements take a while to register (at times it could be a couple of weeks).

yeah i did do the birthday thing
yeah i did do the birthday thing

It's possible that the rewards become available on midnight so your account has been created too late.
Your birthday must be enter before you have 🙂 If you enter the data one day after your birthday it's a bug in other way it's to late system dont give archivment back on time.
man i feel sorry for ya