Can't find my order on order status/no email confirmation | Razer Insider

Can't find my order on order status/no email confirmation

  • 11 February 2023
  • 0 replies

Hi, can you guys help meee.

I just ordered a BlackShark V2 X headset on razer site. I redeemed a code from razer silver and used it to pay for the item but I paid the shipping fee using Paypal. The payment was successful because it deducted on my Paypal account and on the step 4 which is the order confirmation, there is an order number so I thought that my order was successfully placed. But, when I clicked on the "order status" button it says "order unsubmitted" and I don't know why. So, I refreshed the page and find the order status but when I clicked it there's nothing shown on the page. I'm a bit nervous because I paid 1,173 Pesos (I'm from Philippines) and a first timer. And on my email, only the paypal sent me the transaction receipt but there's no email from razer.

Can some agents help me? Pleaseee. I can't find the customer support on, it always lead me to click the order status and get on that page again and again where no orders are listed.

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