Can't load Windows Razer Blade 14 | Razer Insider
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Bought used Razer Blade 14, build date 2017, for some reason cannot load Windows on new M.2 drive. Powers up to BIOS no problem, see's drive in BIOS, keyboard lights up, fans spin, put in Windows USB stick, starts initial load of windows files, goes to first scrolling circle and then nothing, blank screen. Tried lots of different settings in BIOS including BIOS defaults. Same result every time, frustrating. Did a partial Windows memory testing showed no problems. I suppose it's possible the new drive is faulty, what do you think?
I've had a similar case, when trying to install Windows 10 onto M.2 drive.

On certain motherboards, the Windows 10 boot drives with version 1606 cannot detect the M.2 drive for some reason.

You'll need a Windows 10 boot drive that come with version 2004 or high.
Thanks for your reply, on install it actually puts files on the drive initially using safe mode, then it just dies. I'm now suspecting a power issue or a bad motherboard/processor. Either way an expensive fix.
Bought used Razer Blade 14, build date 2017, for some reason cannot load Windows on new M.2 drive. Powers up to BIOS no problem, see's drive in BIOS, keyboard lights up, fans spin, put in Windows USB stick, starts initial load of windows files, goes to first scrolling circle and then nothing, blank screen. Tried lots of different settings in BIOS including BIOS defaults. Same result every time, frustrating. Did a partial Windows memory testing showed no problems. I suppose it's possible the new drive is faulty, what do you think?

Did it happen on new ssd, didn’t you test when firstly got the blade with ssd that comes with? If it happens to new ssd, try cloning the original using EaseUS or other cloning apps, some might not properly clone it and bring load error, that software worked on my test on recent blade stealth upgrade, though you need nvme adapter doing this but not expensive, it was like €30 from Amazon but it saved a lot time than doing fresh install, I think with ssd replacement it took me only half hour or so.