Macro to counter a toggle help asap ! :) | Razer Insider
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Hello everyone,,

in a game there is a keybind that is a toggle and I would try to see if I can use it as a normal key, the macro would be:

press the key = press, unpress the key

unpress the key = press, unpress the key

But I have no Idea how to make that happen since the macros work only when you press and not when you unpress (in my knowledge)

Any siggestions?
so the game default is a toggle-action? and you need to change it to hold action using a macro? isn't there a game setting for it?

you can probably configure the macro this way: press the key=macro presses the key once release the key=macro presses it again

I might've understood wrong, not sure

edit: I mean... I think you can do that just like you mentioned in OP. at least if I don't remember wrong it is possible to bind a macro on key release