Razer huntsman TE wont work | Razer Insider
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so less then a week ago I turned on my PC and my keyboard wouldn't turn on at all. I changed USB ports, plugged it into my laptop, nothing worked. I waited like 2 days with it unplugged and then plugged it into a different USB port and then it finally worked like normal, but when I plugged it back into the USB port it was in before it stopped working completely again. I ended up reinstalling windows which fixed it for about a day and it's not working again. yes other things like my mouse work in the USB slot and I do have razer synaps install. Somebody please help

Hello, @rionelo!


Thanks for alerting us about this and we’re leaning toward a hardware fault right here. Please send me your keyboard’s serial number via PM so I can validate it in our database and look for other workarounds.


*Thread locked to curb conversation to PM.