So its been a month later and the screen is holding up fine to regular use, however now that i am using it pretty often I am noticing some other issues.
For some reason my computer will randomly sleep while being used. Literally why i am browsing the web or working on homework, actively moving the cursor or typing. This is not really an issue when doing either of the former i can just click a button and get right back to what i was doing. However if i am trying to play an online game i get dced.
This only happens when the charger is plugged in for some reason. This will happen at least 4 to 5 times a day if its plugged in while using. Yes, I have looked at every possible setting and tried troubleshooting with razer support.
Also this thing gets HOT. I don't mean like it just gets hot to the touch. It gets hot and cant handle it and crashes. This is also only when its plugged in to charge and I'm trying to game at the same time.
I hear the fans working fine so idk if it could maybe be a battery issue.
The game I'm trying to play is a complete joke, nowhere near max settings. Its a MMO from 2008
I can't play even one game client (while charging) on my stealth without it crashing in 5 min.
I can run windows on my mac which heats it up way more, and run 2 clients fine, sometimes 3 will crash it
This is a 2011 Macbook pro. I'm not pushing apple either, they are overpriced and those morons took USB ports off their new Pro, that's the reason i came to razer, I was looking for something different. My search continues.
So yeah basically i got a $1700 (at the time of purchase) piece of shite and I get to experience the wonderful (horrible) RMA process again, but also need a laptop for class so I'll have to postpone it.
I don't recommend razer to anyone at all,like seriously. I'm not just like some super negative dude either, but this is the only razer product i have gotten and its been issue after issue.
I do see a lot of people praising them on here so maybe I am just the 1%. I think its more likely that this site attracts more fanboys with good experiences tho, if you go over to razer reddit or a few other spots you see a lot more negative things. But, please please please if you don't have money to just throw away heed this warning, don't buy anything from this company upon release, let the cash cows do that and be patient and read up on reviews of the EXACT product you plan to buy.
I just watched a few videos and reviews on razer stuff in general, maybe a review of the 2017 model IIRC. So yeah, if I researched it more i would have seen TONS of other posts about my model and the many issues it has. Horrible Quality Control for this model 100%.
One and done for me.
Signing off for good,
Take care everyone, Hope your experience is better than mine!
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Non-constructive/Hate Posting
We do not allow posts that deliberately disrupt conversations, i.e., long-winded, redundant, angry and argumentative comments meant to derail the topic of discussion. Do present your feedback in a clear and concise manner and avoid going off on a tangent.
Posts that are intentionally rude or insulting will not be tolerated and will be deleted regardless of how valid the ideas behind them are. We encourage users to share their constructive thoughts, positive or negative provided it is presented in a civil and factual manner.
Speculation, especially when it is negative and untrue, tend to incite flaming and trolling – if an issue deserves an official word, it will be communicated. Baseless speculation and the encouraging of such conversations is prohibited.
Non-constructive posting can also include threads that are created demanding specific answers/dates/results that exclude public participation e.g., “When are winners announced?,” “When is Feature X arriving?” Outside from official Razer staff communications, there is no way for the public to contribute to these non-constructive and speculative conversations in a meaningful manner. Such threads will be moderated accordingly.
@spaceshipSinopialeet100 We understand that you are frustrated but that does not mean you get a pass for crossing the line. You could've just asked why your thread was locked and request for it to be reopened. We're all for transparency here but your behavior is simply unacceptable. Consider this your last warning.
Yea I didn't expect to have to undervolt my pc when I am barely doing anything to stress the cpu. I told you I appreciate the advice and I will try it out, but you are giving it in a very backhanded kind of way. Assuming I am some moron and my pc is overheating bc I have fans blocked and am setting the pc in my lap.
I would say that 95% of people that own computers are not familiar with undervolting , overclocking, etc...
From my understanding it is for people who are into really into heavy gaming, (newer games, max settings)
People who are really stressing out their system, and are concerned with battery life.
Since I got this computer for work/class + very light gaming. I assumed it would be ready to go out of the box, I thought I wouldn't need to tweek all of that stuff because I wouldn't be stressing it at all near maximum.
I don't think this is such an absurd thought process as you are making it out to be.
Given my other issues I already had with it, I think most will understand my frustration.
I would say that 95% of people that own computers are not familiar with undervolting , overclocking, etc...
From my understanding it is for people who are into really into heavy gaming, (newer games, max settings)
People who are really stressing out their system, and are concerned with battery life.
Since I got this computer for work/class + very light gaming. I assumed it would be ready to go out of the box, I thought I wouldn't need to tweek all of that stuff because I wouldn't be stressing it at all near maximum.
I don't think this is such an absurd thought process as you are making it out to be.
Given my other issues I already had with it, I think most will understand my frustration.
If it was any of these separate issues alone, I would cut them a break.
small laptop overheats easier than I thought, ok I can deal
screen fell off but they fixed it through RMA, ok I can deal
randomly sleeps sometimes very annoying, ok I can deal
All 3 of these together = Bad Product should not have been released to consumers
You guys can call me hater if you want, but before you do please take into consideration the 3 problems listed above. And tell me how happy you would be if your $1700 pc did the same.
From the first post you’re already a hater by claiming other not to buy Razer. In other brands forum that statement is a direct banned.
Those points are clearly RMA, I just tried to explain how to keep your upcoming any ultrabook longer since apparently you don’t care about the thermal, there’s a reason why your laptop hot. FYI Blade stealth is one of ultrabook with a decent cooling, if it’s throttle, it means you’re doing wrong and I explained how to do right.
Don’t get me wrong I would also complain if my Blade act like yours but fortunately I think I know quite well how to manage it.
If it was any of these separate issues alone, I would cut them a break.
small laptop overheats easier than I thought, ok I can deal
screen fell off but they fixed it through RMA, ok I can deal
randomly sleeps sometimes very annoying, ok I can deal
All 3 of these together = Bad Product should not have been released to consumers
You guys can call me hater if you want, but before you do please take into consideration the 3 problems listed above. And tell me how happy you would be if your $1700 pc did the same.
small laptop overheats easier than I thought, ok I can deal
screen fell off but they fixed it through RMA, ok I can deal
randomly sleeps sometimes very annoying, ok I can deal
All 3 of these together = Bad Product should not have been released to consumers
You guys can call me hater if you want, but before you do please take into consideration the 3 problems listed above. And tell me how happy you would be if your $1700 pc did the same.
It's against the rules to explain my screen falling off and overheating/ random sleeping issues?
I am a hater for being honest?
My point exactly, don't take to this forums for honest opinion on their product, you are labeled as a "hater" by their fanboys and maybe even their rules if you say even one thing negative about them.
I should be able to come on here, and tell you my true honest story and If you simply google search my problems you will see 10000 other stories like mine. Razer should be ashamed for selling me, and thousands of others this computer, I basically have been robbed.
Yes now I am truly hating.
1. Because I am already labeled as such
2. They locked my original thread to which I said I would update my experience (good or bad).
Not trying to target you that much specifically bro, thank you for your suggestion. I will try to undervolt and see if that works. I am just not the most tech savvy guy. I assumed that a 2018 expensive ultrabook with a lot more processing power (as you said) would destroy my MacBook pro 2011.
It does in terms of speed, load times, and lag. But I can not even run the game without it overheating and charging simultaneously. I have taking all the precautions, I do not play on my lap, I make sure fan is not block, I even prop my razer up on books to give it more air. Nothing works.
I understand that its not meant for heavy gaming being a smaller computer.
IMO It should be able to handle this old ass game I am trying to play with no problems, actually I bought it expecting to be able to run 2-3 clients at once but I would settle for just 1.
I will try to undervolt and see how it goes but like I said, im not the most tech savvy guy.
My computer still had its screen fall off and randomly sleeps from time to time.
This should not happen for the price I paid, I can buy a $500 pc from Walmart that does not have these issues.
I am a hater for being honest?
My point exactly, don't take to this forums for honest opinion on their product, you are labeled as a "hater" by their fanboys and maybe even their rules if you say even one thing negative about them.
I should be able to come on here, and tell you my true honest story and If you simply google search my problems you will see 10000 other stories like mine. Razer should be ashamed for selling me, and thousands of others this computer, I basically have been robbed.
Yes now I am truly hating.
1. Because I am already labeled as such
2. They locked my original thread to which I said I would update my experience (good or bad).
Not trying to target you that much specifically bro, thank you for your suggestion. I will try to undervolt and see if that works. I am just not the most tech savvy guy. I assumed that a 2018 expensive ultrabook with a lot more processing power (as you said) would destroy my MacBook pro 2011.
It does in terms of speed, load times, and lag. But I can not even run the game without it overheating and charging simultaneously. I have taking all the precautions, I do not play on my lap, I make sure fan is not block, I even prop my razer up on books to give it more air. Nothing works.
I understand that its not meant for heavy gaming being a smaller computer.
IMO It should be able to handle this old ass game I am trying to play with no problems, actually I bought it expecting to be able to run 2-3 clients at once but I would settle for just 1.
I will try to undervolt and see how it goes but like I said, im not the most tech savvy guy.
My computer still had its screen fall off and randomly sleeps from time to time.
This should not happen for the price I paid, I can buy a $500 pc from Walmart that does not have these issues.
So its been a month later and the screen is holding up fine to regular use, however now that i am using it pretty often I am noticing some other issues.
For some reason my computer will randomly sleep while being used. Literally why i am browsing the web or working on homework, actively moving the cursor or typing. This is not really an issue when doing either of the former i can just click a button and get right back to what i was doing. However if i am trying to play an online game i get dced.
This only happens when the charger is plugged in for some reason. This will happen at least 4 to 5 times a day if its plugged in while using. Yes, I have looked at every possible setting and tried troubleshooting with razer support.
Also this thing gets HOT. I don't mean like it just gets hot to the touch. It gets hot and cant handle it and crashes. This is also only when its plugged in to charge and I'm trying to game at the same time.
I hear the fans working fine so idk if it could maybe be a battery issue.
The game I'm trying to play is a complete joke, nowhere near max settings. Its a MMO from 2008
I can't play even one game client (while charging) on my stealth without it crashing in 5 min.
I can run windows on my mac which heats it up way more, and run 2 clients fine, sometimes 3 will crash it
This is a 2011 Macbook pro. I'm not pushing apple either, they are overpriced and those morons took USB ports off their new Pro, that's the reason i came to razer, I was looking for something different. My search continues.
So yeah basically i got a $1700 (at the time of purchase) piece of shite and I get to experience the wonderful (horrible) RMA process again, but also need a laptop for class so I'll have to postpone it.
I don't recommend razer to anyone at all,like seriously. I'm not just like some super negative dude either, but this is the only razer product i have gotten and its been issue after issue.
I do see a lot of people praising them on here so maybe I am just the 1%. I think its more likely that this site attracts more fanboys with good experiences tho, if you go over to razer reddit or a few other spots you see a lot more negative things. But, please please please if you don't have money to just throw away heed this warning, don't buy anything from this company upon release, let the cash cows do that and be patient and read up on reviews of the EXACT product you plan to buy.
I just watched a few videos and reviews on razer stuff in general, maybe a review of the 2017 model IIRC. So yeah, if I researched it more i would have seen TONS of other posts about my model and the many issues it has. Horrible Quality Control for this model 100%.
One and done for me.
Signing off for good,
Take care everyone, Hope your experience is better than mine!
I see this thread as hater thread and against the rules, but I’ll explain a bit how ultrabook run for gaming need and hope this would be a reference for you and answer your question about shutting down issues.
Game will crash if temperature is high, I’ve also stealth and other brand ultrabook with mx150 doing games I should keep the temperature in 80ish areas like by undervolting the cpu, do not playing on lap because it’ll cover the fans intake and when it reach 90ish it’ll throttle and on some scenes that spike the temperature to limit the game will be closed or your laptops would be shutting down for safety reason from windows. Charger in plugged in condition means you run on full performance that need proper cooling, if it’s overheat it’ll automatically shutdown the system.
Having thin and light laptops there’s more risky than having huge laptops, it’s due thermal so monitor the hardware is muss thing to do.
Concerning MacBook it’s other story, your MacBook (I’ve also Pro 2012) running on weaker hardware on thicker cassis so thermal is less issue, i played also a lot game on that, but keep in mind intel brings more powerful cpu with same 14nm chips recently so thermal is big issue for most manufactures, is it 2011 mbp13 with i5 sandy bridge? Then it’s weaker by maybe almost 90%.
Hope it’ll help you and Have a good day :smile_:
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