looking forward to see Razer climb up to the first place
This is a huge win.
It's easy for people to get caught up in negativity and spotlight isolated incidents and then take a collection of the isolated incidents and call it a systemic problem. But the reality is, if every piece of hardware was as bad as it was amplified to be, mathematically, we wouldn't be here.
Generally, people don't post the accolades. It's easier to complain and that's what usually happens. If one out of 100 units went bad. But 100% of the customers that got bad units posted online about their troubles and 0% of the satisfied customers posted good things about theirs, all you would hear are the bad things. If 10,000 units were sold and 100 posts were made about bad experiences, 100 posts seems like a lot of unhappy customers, but that's only 1% of the total units. But 100 bad posts can amplify to 100,000 engagements, which can echo to millions of people.
But that's our job; managing the dissonance. It's not easy, often times thankless, but we persevere.
Imagine getting rejected all day, every day. I dunno how well many of you take rejection, but even with thick skin, after a while, it feels bad.
So this win? Feels good.
good job razer
Good Job Razer... To the top they go haha
Decades ... I absolutely agree with you. Rarely does people post accolades.
It is a huge win and Razer deserves it :smile_:👍
Razer is great. Unfortunately, there is no official distributor in Vietnam
Nice! They've worked hard to improve lately and it's showing. Yikes, I have lots of MSI stuff, but thankfully have never needed their support:big_grin_:
Yeah I have to much MSI and Razer stuff xD I like the companies designs so what else is there to do, other than buy more than I need.
It's great for Razer's No. 2 position. Congratulations to Razer!
Oh so this is a bit like what Linus from LinusTechTips did with the secret shopper series except PC Mag did it with laptops. That was a cool series!
I recently contacted support because my Razer Turret, purchased from the razer store, arrived with a defective wall charger. My options were to send the full set back for a refund, wait 2 weeks for it to process, and purchase a new turret or basically deal with it and find another charger on my own. This is bad on so many levels. I'm sure it would cost razer more in the cost of shipping the return and paying employees to process the return than it would to just mail me a new charger, so its bad business. More important, it puts a customer who just spent $250 on a keyboard in the position of liking your products but never wanting to purchase another one. The support agent I spoke to was friendly and understood the options he gave me sucked but he couldn't do anything about it....
im still awaiting for my partial refund after chasing like 4 times already and each time I have chased them , they said it is processing and I should get an update shortly. How long does one have to wait as I had my laptop for almost a month now.
I recently contacted support because my Razer Turret, purchased from the razer store, arrived with a defective wall charger. My options were to send the full set back for a refund, wait 2 weeks for it to process, and purchase a new turret or basically deal with it and find another charger on my own. This is bad on so many levels. I'm sure it would cost razer more in the cost of shipping the return and paying employees to process the return than it would to just mail me a new charger, so its bad business. More important, it puts a customer who just spent $250 on a keyboard in the position of liking your products but never wanting to purchase another one. The support agent I spoke to was friendly and understood the options he gave me sucked but he couldn't do anything about it....
My experience with Support has been so bad, I'm @ total loss what to do! What really sucks, is problem doesn't even involve a product, (bought Razer Phone 2, in Jan. 2019, so far I'm happy as hell w/phone!), it's Customer Service! I'm disabled, homebound, have no landline @ my rented in-law cottage, just my RP2, (which replaced a Motorola-built Nexus 6, that gave up the ghost ), & a ZTE Axon 7, which I used to purchase the RP2, direct f/Razer, since I don't have a PC to use. Razer set up my Axon7's email, phone#, as the "Primary" account, when I received the RP2, I transferred all the Nexus 6 info, (email, phone#, contacts, etc.), to the RP2. Soon after I activated the RP2 w/my carrier, & in fact, received update to Android O/S, from v8.1, to 9.0, no problem. Since then, all emails, Sales info, special deals, Cortex Gold/Silver promotions, whatever, are sent to my Axon 7! I contact Support, tell them I don't want Razer specific correspondence, with direct links to contact, or purchase items, sent to Axon 7, I want these sent to the RP2, which would use those items, I'd click on links, downloads sent to, along with payment info, & so forth. Customer Service has jacked me around for 6 months +, gave dumbest excuses why they can't change my Account info, I or anyone else has ever heard! The Axon 7 is set up as Primary acct, the RP2 is the Recovery acct, & they can't switch them! Billing & shipping info, Credit Card info, everything is identical, yet, they can't switch the Primary to RP2, & Recovery to Axon 7! I just talked to them earlier this week, I was promised a call from a Supervisor, & I'm still waiting! In meantime, I'm receiving Sales Deals, etc., on my Axon 7! What happens if/when Razer sends a software update, or similar? Geez, you'd think it was rocket science, or something! Any suggestions?
Well looks like Razer has finally processed my partial refund on my Razer Blade Stealth 2019 ... my faith in them has been restored , although it did take a little time (a month) to get it done.
Apple~~~ Huh~~~ REALLY!!!!!
Well, I received a call from Support finally, & given assistance in switching my Axon 7 to my Recovery Acct, then my RP2 to Primary Account- next step is seeing if any upcoming info, deals, etc, gets sent to my RP2, as I've requested! Here's hoping so, I can definitely use something positive to happen! July has been a month I'd like to forget! Come on, Razer! End this Trainwreck of a month on a positive note for me!
Wow I happy to see razer up ranking i can;t forget that day when i bought razer laptop from my first
blog payment
Sorry but I had to chime in here and say my experience with support has been nothing short of terrible, you can read about it here...
Total joke and never been treated like this a customer in my 43 years alive.
Razer to the first place! Lets goo...
Tbh. So many people complain about their support. I remember one guy saying on a thread that something negative about a razer employee. Then a LEGIT Razer employee replied to him saying he looked over it and his allegations were false. The guy who made the original post just got mad and said "well then a razer Employee lied to me." Tbh, Why is there so much hate on the razer forum. This is supposed to be a place where people can enjoy sharing their love of games and not hate on the actual company itself.