Resolution Updated, Razer Ripsaw HD, No Signal? | Razer Insider
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Resolution Updated, Razer Ripsaw HD, No Signal?

  • 24 April 2023
  • 0 replies


I  have an issue with getting a signal from my capture card on my screen I will connect everything properly, get a signal just fine, play for hours on end, turn off my console, take a break, come back an hour later and have zero signal I will then get this message from my capture card popping up.  I have the image on OBS just fine, but no signal on my screen where i play. The only thing i did is to switch hdmi from ps5 to switch and now both don’t show up . I have already switch the hdmi before and no problem at all.


The message :

Resolution Updated Razer Ripsaw HD Your capture resolution is set to 1920x1080p @ 60fps. Please make sure your broadcasting/recording software's video input matches this resolution. NO SIGNAL detection might be experienced when using a different resolution.


I don't understand  or what's getting changed and it's frustrating, specially when everything was working well until now.


Thank for your response

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