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Does anyone knows if the new era graphic cards will be compatible with Razer Core X chroma??
It’s no official supported GPUs, but since it’s basically PCIe slot if the PSU can support the card power demand it should be fine (I saw lower PSU on other egpu enclosure can run rtx3080 fe fine so far, if you want the link pm me), however if the new card breaks the enclosure since it’s at the moment not supported gpu it “might” void the guarantee.
You will have to wait and see

I think they will work just fine ( mind the lower performance compared to pc just like the previous generation has )
less performance? why, after all, is the same as a pc tower

You will have to wait and see

I think they will work just fine ( mind the lower performance compared to pc just like the previous generation has )

I was looking for this questions, I managed to dig up some people who managed to do it, but need several steps like downgrade window updates and stuff https://egpu.io/forums/postid/86633/ but i not sure shld i get Razer Core X Chroma first.
less performance? why, after all, is the same as a pc tower

not really

there is cost of getting all the data through cable

you should see Dave 2D video on the original core

I had the Core v1 and yes there is loss
Does someone know any news?