Should Gamers Learn to Cook? | Razer Insider
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Personally, I think gamers should learn to cook as most of the games require gamers to sit still to play it. This can potentially cause quite a lot of problems like higher risk to get health issues like obesity especially the hardcore ones who don't like to exercise. However, when a gamer learns to cook, he or she can control the food that he or she will eat and significantly adjust his or her calorie intake. In this way, the gamer can game on comfortably without worrying about his or her health. Thus, making them able to perform better in game with good health.
Interesting post and responses. I was wondering. What about the inverse of this? Should cooks learn how to game?
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have to know your food and how to cook that
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I think in my opinion depending on the person as each person out there is different, that each person at some point in their life should learn to cook their own meals. Now just because one can cook does not mean that that individual will not still get health issues, because sadly not everyone makes the correct eating habits out there.

But say said gamer wanted to save money and try and be health I would say learn to cook at home that way you can cook the proper foods, and who knows you might some day meet that lady / gent in the future who may or may not be a gamer, but you can show off your cooking skills for them.

I started cooking I think sometime in my 20's or 30's when I moved out as I was not able to do so living with my parents, and I got to say I have used cooking not only as a hobbie but it helps me relieve stress at times since I usually cook meals for my partner and I, and share with my parents from time to time as I take them meals.

I agree with what you said. What a fine young man you are!
You mean the game?

both the games and the show
You are right but in my opinion it is risky to be a diehard gamer. Gamers need to have a good health too, in order to be good in games and able to play more games in their lifetime. Without a healthy body, they might get sick and unable to play games well. Worst, they might die and unable to play games anymore, specifically the newly or will be released one. Don't you think it's a pity?

I don't understand why the only incentive you list for good health is "to be able to play more games". I agree that gamers need to be healthy, but everybody else should to. However my top reasons for desiring good health aren't going to be focused on being able to play more games.
Pro gamers cut out a potty hole in their chair XD.

I know i know i watch a bit too muxh south park exaggerating the gamer weeb thing lol.

You mean the game?
Ahaha, sounds legit except the stand up part. You still need to pee bro ><

Pro gamers cut out a potty hole in their chair XD.

I know i know i watch a bit too muxh south park exaggerating the gamer weeb thing lol.
o hell yea u could stay home for ever lol.

but seriously, cooking for yourself is healthier, cheaper and gives u an excuse to stand up lol

Ahaha, sounds legit except the stand up part. You still need to pee bro ><
There is. Gamers spend time sitting stationary while ordinary people move around. Buy cooking by themselves, gamers can effectively cut down their calorie intake and maintain their body weight or even prevent themselves from getting obese. As a result, they can live longer and game longer. Don't you think so?

It really depends on your idea of gamer vs ordinary people. To me, gamers aren't that different from ordinary people-i think gamers are ordinary themselves. Lack of exercise or eating a surplus of unhealthy food isn't a characteristic unique to gamers.Also gamers have varying amounts of time they spend gaming. It would be a whole different topic if we were specifically discussing diehard gamers tho
o hell yea u could stay home for ever lol.

but seriously, cooking for yourself is healthier, cheaper and gives u an excuse to stand up lol
I really don't see why the reasons for needing to learn how 2 cook would be different for gamers as opposed to literally anyone else

There is. Gamers spend time sitting stationary while ordinary people move around. Buy cooking by themselves, gamers can effectively cut down their calorie intake and maintain their body weight or even prevent themselves from getting obese. As a result, they can live longer and game longer. Don't you think so?
I really don't see why the reasons for needing to learn how 2 cook would be different for gamers as opposed to literally anyone else
According some survey in Japan almost 75% women there prefer marrying man with cooking ability than those who not, so at least there yes gamers should learn cooking for their future too :big_grin_:

😂 Never thought of that GGWP! Sounds like it is one of the valid reason, or else 4ever single! Hahahaha
Ich sag ja nicht, das es falsch ist. Ich wollte nur sagen, die richtige Lebensweise in Ernährung und Bewegung ist der richtige Weg.

I'm not saying it's wrong. I just wanted to say that the right way of life in nutrition and exercise is the right way.