[TotW] Baby, It's Hot Outside | Razer Insider
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[TotW] Baby, It's Hot Outside

For many of us, it's hot outside. So, what are you playing inside to keep cool? And if you don't have air conditioning, what are you playing despite dying from the heat? And for those of you with PC's for heaters, I dunno how you do it, stay hydrated.

I'm feeling the summer vibes so I'll be giving away a few "Great" achievements this week. Like and comment with what you're playing or share how you're staying cool for a chance at the weekly's!

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Not playing atm, my PC is a nice heater 😛
i use a tiny usb fan connected to a usb hub on my table
In southern hemisphere, it is a start of Winter. My PC is warming up my apartment

I don't play too many games, but with a bit of zSilver mining, it sure is releasing a lot of heat from the GPU.
To keep cool, I use my Fan which I just plug in the socket while playing valorant, warzone, fortnite, minecraft and rocket league!
Hello friends,

The Simpsons make me laugh so much. 😹

It is often raining in Paris at the moment, temperature is not very hot.

I played Star Citizen a bit for the update.

I can't wait to go on vacation.

The sun, the beach in south of France. ^ _ ^
Cleaning my pc to keep it cool~!
Put a stand fan beside, let the wind blow through PC and me
Playing with cisco devices, firewalls ans proxies... huhuhu... no time for play right now...
Take off all my cloth and it will works:cool_:
Fortunately I have AC and have been keeping cool. I put in about 70 hours on Fallout 3 this past week LOL! Only thing that's super stink is having to mow. We've been getting so much rain here in Indiana it's so darn humid. Even with AC stuff feels sticky and gross unless we drop the temp to 74 degrees.
I just finished Days Gone, an awesome game, i loved it and now i'm looking forward to see what else i can play with max settings on my 1060. Also hot here in Romania as well, i have a good 6 fans ventilation system on my desktop but the temps in my room are too high.
Odd cuz it's supposed to be wet season here already. It does indeed rain quite frequently but it's just a bit colder than the dry season and it was scorching hot.
Living in the desert (heat index of 50C) and exploring ancient Greece

Just let it melt!
cope with the weather and save electricity bill, until you can't take it anymore.
I use my table fan to keep cool while playing warzone , valorant , hearthstone, and dota 2
Not playing anything worthy atm, just trying to keep cool in the day and spend the night outside as much as i can when the temperatures are okish.
im just playing tony hawk pro skater on the switch , too hot outside to go skate, so i cheat
I'm just gonna sleep and play in my dream and forget about the heat :cool_:
is winter in the southern hemisphere.
PC is mostly for work more than games. But with the heat outside, the AC definitely helps.
I have an A/C in my room and I'm playing Android emulator games so the cpu is my heater lol

It's all good actually. The house is well insulated and on ground level so it has a steady temperature all year round
Luckily I live in Germany! My region as had the worst floods due to rain in the entire history of the country, pretty chilly here!
Luckily heat is not so much of a problem this summer so my PC doesn"t suffer.

So much that I though about unboxing ly coat last week.