[TotW] No More, No Less | Razer Insider
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[TotW] No More, No Less

  • 18 February 2020
  • 29 replies

You're stuck on a deserted island. Through the miracle of miracles you have all the food and water you need, BUT only one game to play.

What game is it?

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29 Replies

Schwer zu sagen, wenn es ich ja alles habe, habe ich auch ausreichend Strom und auch Internet? Also ich würde mich für ein Surviver Game entscheiden. Ark. Aber eventuell auch CoD MW. Evtl. würde ich "Lost", das Spiel zur Serie noch mal auspacken.

Hard to say, if I have it all, do I have enough electricity and also internet? Well, I would choose a survival game. Ark. But maybe also CoD MW. Maybe I would choose "Lost", the game for the series again.
I Will play AC The Ezio Collection or Kingdom Hearts all in one 😛
Userlevel 7
DOTA is the game i will choose because is constantly improving, adding new things and it's always different and challenging. And as a bonus you can always play with your friends to make the whole experience on this island even more pleasant.
Userlevel 7
Current titles:
Minecraft - it has endless possibilities and while it can get boring after a while, you never run out of things to do and the mods available for it are seemingly endless as well.

Older titles:
THPS or Skate - There's just something about these old skateboard games that just never get stale.