What would you like to see next from Razer? | Razer Insider

What would you like to see next from Razer?

Userlevel 7
As we're closing off the year and prepping for the new one, I'd love to hear from the community what new products you'd like to see in 2015. Let me know in the comments below!

5954 Replies

or monitors
I also believe it would be great to see Razer create a high end monitor, I think it would make a nice addition to my mouse and keyboard.
A mobile app for insiders would be cool or even calibrate different products.
I would love if somebody could step up and create a new way of interacting with a computer! We are using keyboard and mouse for decades now and nothing changed. We need a iphone-like change to input methods!! Switching between keyboard and mouse while doing anything on the computer ist realy slowing me down and some key combinations are only adding to it. I realy want to express what i think and want to do way faster than what is possible at the moment. A change is long overdue!
I just like the general trend of Razer going into new categories. Keep doing that, invent stuff no one's seen before and see what sticks.
A desktop computer, all parts made by Razer, built for extreme gaming. And a Razer toaster, built for extreme toasting.
Razer Toaster!
More accessories for the Xbox and Playstation!
Banking off the success of the Nabu so far, I'd love to see what Razer can come up with smart watch-wise. Something specific to gamers though, like programmable alerts from gaming events.
I would love if somebody could step up and create a new way of interacting with a computer! We are using keyboard and mouse for decades now and nothing changed. We need a iphone-like change to input methods!! Switching between keyboard and mouse while doing anything on the computer ist realy slowing me down and some key combinations are only adding to it. I realy want to express what i think and want to do way faster than what is possible at the moment. A change is long overdue!

I've been intrigued by the Leap motion controller (and similar products) for this reason, but maybe the keyboard-and-mouse is just really good and refined enough that there's every reason to expect it to have some longevity.
Razer has all kind of peripheral devices now, except for monitors. I'd totally buy one. :)

If razer made monitors for a reasonable price my life would be complete.
A Gaming Chair.
I've been intrigued by the Leap motion controller (and similar products) for this reason, but maybe the keyboard-and-mouse is just really good and refined enough that there's every reason to expect it to have some longevity.

The Leap sounds kinda useless if you want to get productive! I want to get faster not slower. I want to type as fast as i can think and i want that fast paced controll in a game too.
How about a Razer cell phone?
A Gaming Chair.

OMG! YES this! A razer gamer desk and chair combination would be sooooo good for my ass!
A 27" monitor with some sick backlighting possibly customizable would be sick
Christine Please!!
An update to the Blade 14
How about a Razer cell phone?

To be honest... no need for that! But a great gaming app would be great! A app for gamers by gamers. Do it right and it could be huge!
Maybe a blade 15??
To be honest... no need for that! But a great gaming app would be great! A app for gamers by gamers. Do it right and it could be huge!

I do kinda want the Razer phone purely for quality, not entirely for gaming but i should have good gaming accessories like the Edge did

They already have the Razer Edge but maybe an update to it
I really would love to see the switchblade happen. It has been a concept forever and it won best of CES i really want one, so much better than the shield especially since they now have cortex stream
