Razer Ornata V2 Volume Dial | Razer Insider
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Hello everyone, If you can recall, I had issues with the dial, as did others with the same or other keyboards, and I tried a some what odd, but doable solution.

Ref /possible-fix-for-volume-dial.81637/#post-797741

This is the thread

Anyways, it seems that it may not be the physical keyboard. I had to do a fresh install of Windows and started downloading, installing, etc. Now before I installed Synapse, I changed the volume just out of the blue, and wouldnt you know it, the volume scrolled very nicely.

I mean no skipping, no crazy volume up or down, it kept up with how fast I was scrolling, etc. It was awesome!

This made me curious to ask the question, is it my Ornata V2 fault? or could it be software related. Well, I reinstalled, updated and restarted after installing Synapse, and womp whaaaa. The issue is back!

I uninstalled immediately and, voilà, it worked perfectly. This tells me, something is very wrong with Synapse.

What kinda makes me a little upset, is that you guys ditched the scrolling, and went with buttons on the NEW Ornata V3. Anyways, I probably wont hold my breath for a fix, but, stranger things have happened 🙂