What do you guys think of the new Razer Tartarus Pro? | Razer Insider
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What do you guys think of this new keypad? It's pretty innovative and looks great but I would much rather see a new Orbweaver with opto-mechanical tactile switches that aren't analog.

It's nice to know that keypads aren't forgotten, but I just wish that there would be a new mechanical keypad soon. I would love to buy a new one if it's mechanical and tactile.

P.S. I would also love to see a new Razer Naga.
Hey guys,

I just got my Tartarus Pro in the mail and i am not impressed unfortunately...

The build quality is nice, don´t get me wrong, but the usability is questionable at best.

For example, i can´t put in a "detection delay". What i mean by that is : I put 2 inputs on a button: "F" and "G"

On the first pressure point it uses F and on the second it uses G. Using the first pressure point is no problem,

on the second it always puts out : "FG" because it registers the "half pressed" input as well.

So it´s basically unusable for all games with 2 "abilities" bound to the same button because you will miss fire ability 1 before using ability 2. The only instance i found so far where this is usefull, is walk and run.

The second problem i have is the strange utilisation of pressure points. In Synapse you can define the pressure points when the keyboard switches from input 1 to input 2. The maximum for input 2 is unbelievably low.

English isn´t my first language and i can´t describe it better, but let me try. Imagine the whole button press as percentages. Full press would be 100%, just touching it slightly would be 1%.

The first pressure point is at the start of the button press at 1%, as it should be. The second, even at max sensitivity, is about 10-20% further down into the button press. About 50 - 60% of the button press is command 2.

It would be so much better if 70% of the whole button press would be command one , and only when i push the button all the way through it used command two. As is right now, the amount of wrong inputs i had is astonishing, and for reference, i play guitar as a hobby. My finger pressure is not super bad, i´d rather say i´am quite good at regulating that aspect.

Maybe someone sees this and has workarounds for this ? Maybe ini tweaks to push the 2. Command detect further down the button press ?

For now i`ll just use the Tartarus as a normal keypad. All the functionality i bought it for in the first place is not usable, at least for me, until i can tweak it better to my liking.

Hope this helps ;)

Ps: Greetings from Germany in case anyone was wondering 😛
Why do you think it is we don't see an analog stick yet? Does Logitech or someone have a patent or something? Or is it because not all games support analog input? I think I'm just going to go buy the Azeron Gamepad instead. This is what the community has wanted for decades and I'm surprised Razer won't do it. Gonna have to go with Azeron now

The second problem i have is the strange utilisation of pressure points. In Synapse you can define the pressure points when the keyboard switches from input 1 to input 2. The maximum for input 2 is unbelievably low.

English isn´t my first language and i can´t describe it better, but let me try. Imagine the whole button press as percentages. Full press would be 100%, just touching it slightly would be 1%.

The first pressure point is at the start of the button press at 1%, as it should be. The second, even at max sensitivity, is about 10-20% further down into the button press. About 50 - 60% of the button press is command 2.

It would be so much better if 70% of the whole button press would be command one , and only when i push the button all the way through it used command two. As is right now, the amount of wrong inputs i had is astonishing, and for reference, i play guitar as a hobby. My finger pressure is not super bad, i´d rather say i´am quite good at regulating that aspect.

Maybe someone sees this and has workarounds for this ? Maybe ini tweaks to push the 2. Command detect further down the button press ?

For now i`ll just use the Tartarus as a normal keypad. All the functionality i bought it for in the first place is not usable, at least for me, until i can tweak it better to my liking.

I have the same problem ... I received the Tartarus today. All happy, I configured it for some games, after multiple tests, I come to the same conclusion ... The analog is unusable, since it is impossible, even putting the values of the actuation point completely to the opposites, to play like that.

Razer gives us an excellent example:

A slight pressure, we walk, a pressure more supported, we run ... Except that in reality, it is impossible to walk very long, so the pressure must be light. The millimeter is also not respected, because according to my measurements, certainly there is a 1.5 mm for the first function, but the second is activated after 2.2-2.5 mm. (Normally, 3.6 mm)

In short, analog is therefore useless.

I feel myself to be reimbursed, so the promise is false.
Just saw this and I was going to buy the original Tartarus, glad I waited.
I just got mine and I have to agree, the analog input is a gimmick and completely worthless for the two-in-one key as the actuation points are a hair apart and impossible to reliably get right. It would be amazing if it worked as advertised, but it does not. I thought my unit was defective until I read other reviews.
The Tartarus Standard is a similar product, but has been superseded by the orbweaver chroma, and V2. Commenting that one likes the form factor might be useful, but it's not relevant per se as the form and features have changed. Saying that you like the idea of the optical switches and why might be on topic.

update on my Pro -

apparently migrating my synapse2 account settings borked in converting to synapse3. Support, despite not receiving every other email because it bounced as their mailbox was full, has been unable to find my second razer account which they asked me to make to migrate my account settings to a new account. In the interim 10 days of watching support flounder uselessly I created a new account to try to get my Pro working, and it seems to.

The "depth" of press settings in Synapse3 (as of 3.4.1024.102510) are comically similar, so that even as I'm *very* carefully testing them out in a text editor I'm not able to consistently get only the top input. I'm used to a 45g tactile switch, and usually don't bottom out, so these opticals should be an ideal switch for me. There is plenty of travel beyond those points, but maybe a typist trained on an optical keyboard with varied inputs or a musician used to optical switches on a musical keyboard might be able to make use of it.

As others have noted, the "top" press is always input before the "lower" press, so if "top" is "H" and "lower" is "R" you're going to input "HR" if you fully depress the key, not only "R". Macro's are not available, only typical keyboard HID keypresses. In combination with the lack of an "ignore top trigger" this renders the optical feature useless to me. I can see some gaming uses, e.g. single shot light press vs a double shot for a full press, but for dealing with 3D modeling inputs I need to input multikey macros to trigger keyboard shortcuts, and this doesn't fly.

I'm a tactile switch person, generally not a fan of either clicky switches or linear switches (Kailh Pro Purples are my preferred) so I'm still using the Pro alongside my V2 in trying to decide if I like the feel of the linear switch better than the harder tick of the V2 "mecha mechanical" and I'm not sold either way.

At this point, for the price difference I can't recommend the Pro, unless a single -> double press input or a single -> other keypress input is useful to you, and you've got a REALLY light touch.

I'll probably keep both units, one for home office, and one for workstation, which will let me move my home n52 out to the workshop computer, but I'm not impressed thus far.[/user]
Hey folks, I wanted to stop by and drop a note.

First and foremost, nobody bans anyone on Insider except for myself and a few key others who don't do anything without my consent. The site has been experiencing some technical challenges lately and not being able to post or even view pages intermittently has been an issue.

With that said, instabans are mostly handed down for spam and a clear violation of the House Rules. Nobody censors here, no matter how bad it feels. If it's within the House Rules, it stands. I stand for transparency, even if others don't.

Second, I have run the concern regarding the Tartarus Pro internally. It may not lead to a solution, but that's not to say it won't be looked at and/or addressed. The best I can offer at the moment is a hopeful, "let's-wait-and-see."

If you don't want to wait, you shouldn't have to. Your time is valuable.

If you're not happy with a product, return it. The rules and policies have always been there.

Lastly, this is a personal note from me and may fall on deaf ears, but please be patient with support. They work their butts off and post holidays is always challenging. They're in the trenches, they're actively trying to help everyone. They don't get enough love and they absolutely deserve it.

Thank you.
That's a great product.

Definitely better than previous incarnations because of non-chattering reliable optical switches. AND the switches are also ANALOG providing more options for the user. More options are almost always a good thing.

Even tough if you don't need analog inputs, its still great to be able to adjust the actuation point of each switches. Win-Win.

I hope the "thumb joystick" is as durable as the switches. If Razer can also make the switches of that joystick optical switches rather than normal metal actuation that would be über cool.

One last concern for me is the scroll wheel. They tend to break (chatter) easily. Another "optical" solution to the scroll wheel be überüber cool I guess 🙂
Question: has the construction of the thumb stick been changed, to increase stability ?

Maybe some official could give us a statement ?
@FeldarisDE I fully agree with you. If both situations you described are realy true, and one cannot change this, the whole funcionality of the "scalable" keys is completely useless.

See Steam controller functionality:

1. Normal Key press put's out F, with a short delay and full through press put's out G.

2. Directly full push through only outputs G

Second function should only get fired, when key is fully pressed, otherwise likely no one can control that.
However, I have tried all the possible modifications.... (Calibration, full searching in Synapse, complete restart in case Synapse doesn't want to update the parameters, etc.) In short, it's a lost cause, analog is absolutely useless.

I don't understand how Razer was able to present and release this device immediately, without first testing it.... I longer feel like I've been swindled by this beautiful promise, because without analog, it's nothing more or less than a Tartarus V2 sold for almost twice as much.

So Razer, if you can hear me, quickly (Very, very quickly) fixes this problem, or does your mea culpa and refunds half of all devices. (As I said, it's only a Tartarus V2 in the end)

For my part, I'm French, and as the world often says about us, I'm going to do what I know best, to complain to hardware test sites.
Just got mail, and after 2 Weeks they "gave up" and want me to send it back because they cant fix it and/or think "its a feature" to have 2 different Inputs on the same button. The fact that its impossible to use, and sends input 1 before input 2 completely ignored.

Lost hope, to all interested : don´t buy it, it doesn´t work as advertised.

My "story" mails going out to all big german hardware magazines tomorrow. If at least one write about it it maybe help others steer away from this mess.

What a joke ...
We add a layer of "We take you for idiots" RAZER version. Here is the answer of the technical service made at my request:

You have reached the Razer Technical Support Team and we are glad to assist you.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have encountered with your Razer Tartarus Pro. There are a lot of factors why it does not work. I understand that it is difficult to play a game if a key does not work accordingly to its function. Set your worries away for you're in good hands now. It will be a great help for us to further narrow down your concern by providing us a video of the said issue.

You can also try to follow the steps below to customize the sensitivity of the key, and I can walk you through it.

1. Open your Razer Synapse.

2. Click the Sidebar button (three horizontal lines) and it will reveal all current key and button assignments on your device.

3. You can set an estimated key travel distance (in millimeters) for both the Primary and Secondary actuation points to adjust how sensitive your keys are before each point registers as an input.

Please let us know if the steps mentioned above helped you fix the issue. If you have more questions regarding your concern, please feel free to contact us.

[Idiot Mode: On] No kidding? O dear RAZER, how come I haven't thought about it before?! Setting up a keypad before testing it wouldn't even have occurred to me![/Idiot Mode: Off]

And apart from that RAZER, do you plan to do something or will you send us a pre-registered email each time and think we're pigeons ?

EDIT : I resend a mail to support. I hope that this time they will become aware of the problem...
@metis1 Despite my irritation, that's what I'm trying to do, give them a chance.... But I must admit that for the moment it's hard to accept. When a company, which is well established, gives you a specific example as a selling point, and in reality, it is totally impossible, we are really on false advertising... (Illegal in my country, France.) Especially when this object is at a significant price. (We are still more or less at the price of a top-of-the-range full keyboard.)

Indeed, if the device were fully operational, (correctly saved keymap and especially the functional and useful analog.) it would be perfect. To see if they will take us into consideration and correct the situation quickly.
Hi everyone, the guy who designed analog switches for the main competitor has made a video that explains the big issue with Razer Tartarus Pro : ... thats exactly what you are talking about. Razer, how pitiful this is ! It's called false advertisment and people in this forum can sue you for that. I bought your tartarus pro and i have the same issue : full key pressure comes at the half of the total travel distance, thats inacceptable : look at the vidéo!! Is it a software or hardware problem??
I'm saddened to hear that. It seems that every copy is concerned by the issue.

Anyways it's not like the analogic switch feature is the first thing I love about this keypad but yeah, if you're spending 150€ buying a high quality keypad, you would want everything to work as expected/described.

Another desaster of Razer products quality getting worse and worse in the past.

TartarusV2 with broken thumb keys after some month, now the Pro fail. Not talking about Synapse desaster.

What has happend to Razer? No recomendation any more!
Bought and tried this for a couple weeks (avid user of the Orbweaver Chroma & original Orbweaver when it came out). Had never tried the Tartarus "shape" before this.

For one, I guess I just much prefer tactile clicky switches now for their feedback and feel. The linear switches just were not as satisfying to use and somehow they seemed even louder than clicky switches at times? I guess with how the stabilizer resets the keys after a press, it gives it a bit of an annoying clack at every reset. Maybe it's just a preference thing but definitely prefer sound and feel of the greens on the Orbweaver Chroma.

Also MUCH prefer the shape and adjustability of the Orbweaver in comparison to the Tartarus which only offers 2 positions to change the shape? That is pathetic in comparison to what you can do with the Orbweaver where you can not only move the palm rest area but the thumb buttons extend out as well. Now this limited adjustability was reasonable when they were selling the Tartarus as a budget option to the Orbweaver but now that you've gone ahead and gave the Tartarus PREMIUM pricing... it still has the same old crappy limitations as far as shape goes. Not worth the money at all here. And just looking at the Tartarus in comparison to the Orbweaver, it actually LOOKS and FEELS cheaply built compared to a Orbweaver. Honestly seems like Razer is maximizing profits on this product and not giving the consumer much in return for their dollar... not good.

For anyone wondering... analog functionality does not work whatsoever without Synapse... it will just function like a normal keypad without Synapse. Synapse is an input lag monster of a program... so any advantage you were hoping to get from the so-called "faster" optical switches doesn't matter when you are forced to use a bloated lag monster of a software program. I very much enjoy using my Orbweaver WITHOUT Synapse installed. Now I already kind of figured analog functionality wouldn't really work without Synapse... I just kind of wanted to try out optical switches in general to see if their was a significant difference in latency feel... and there doesn't really seem to be.

Overall... I think it's a bit of a joke that they choose to upgrade the budget Tartarus constantly... it's gotten 2 upgrades in a row now with the v2 and now Pro version whereas the Orbweaver its on the sidelines not being touched. This would have been a superior product if they had instead made a "Orbweaver Pro" instead.
I can't believe all that. The most disappointing is, that they don't communicate.

OK, surely, it's embarrassing for a premium company, to confess, that they have realeased a faulty product.

And a personal desaster for everyone, responsible for that product. But much more more worse is, to try to cover up or ignore an obvious design fault, instead of drawing back the product and refund the consumers.

Razer, how low can you get?
I just wanna give up with this.

Seeing them telling me that they didn't receive any complain regarding the Tartarus Pro clearly shows how much they care.

Razer was never good at verifying the quality of their product before they were sold
A long time ago (14-Dec-2019) I had contacted support because of the problem that the analog keys don't work as promised. (Gaming pad actuation causing inaccurate/early execution with his trigger point)

Only 10 days later (24-Dec-2019) I was contacted by the 'Tech Escalations Team' and asked to take a lot of steps to fix the problem.

It was the usual text module:

- uninstall Synapse 3

- manually delete ALL Razor files in the file system

- manually remove ALL Razer device drivers

- Restart the PC

- disable any network and virus protection

- install the latest version of MS.Net and Visual C++

- remove older versions of MS.Net and Visual C++,

- install the latest version of Synapse 3

- and guess what? Reboot the PC.

I find that are a lot of steps to have a hardware problem analyzed by the unpaid customer. I estimate roughly 2 to 4 hours of work to perform these steps. This is more working time for Razer than it took me to earn the money the device did cost.

By following the steps exactly, I would have lost my working Synapse 2 installation and would have to set it up all over again.

Apart from the fact that I find the recommendation to disable network and virus protection more than questionable and possibly dangerous.

You might guess, I refused to do free troubleshooting for Razer in my spare time immediately.

It was probably only because of the holidays that it took until today until I got a friendly message again. Well, at least the phrases were friendly as usual.

My new contact - with the rank of Sr. Technical Adviser - told me that the legal department is being asked for advice.

I personally find it interesting that the technical support has to ask the legal department if and how a customer can be helped.

I thought good support was a matter of honor and decency.

What would you think if you were told that your case was passed on to the legal department? Pretty scary ?

To all of you who need support, I wish you nerves of steel on the last adventure one can experience.

The others have fun with good games.



I just wish they fixed the issue, whether it's software or hardware related.

Don't release a product if one of its features is broken, simple. And to top it off, we're not just experiencing issues with any of the features, but the main feature, which is a selling point. The reason almost everyone wants the Tartarus Pro that is!
Why do you want to know about how it's constructed?

It's not as bad to use anyways to me as Orbweaver' stick, my only concern is the broken analog feature

Anyway, a broken analog feature is as bad, as a broken hardware feature.

I'm using the thumb stick for game movement, not very heavy, cause I'm not a hard core gamer. Still my Orbweaver works. But under these circumstances, I would never buy a Tartarus, because of it's weak construction, nor a Orbweaver, because it's outdated.
Yeah, actually it's even worse that analog doesn't work as promised, because it's the main reason Tartarus Pro costs twice as much as the V2.

The most strange thing is, that nobody cares. It seems, that nobody is interested in satisfied customers or qualified critics.

There is a forum, and the only reaction comes, if someone breaks "the house rules", by banning the user's account.

Thats pur censorship!

I have never had a similar bad experience with any other brand. Still can't believe, that it's like this. But it is.
I'm disappointed thus far -

I can't even get Synapse 3 to save a key binding after multiple reboots.

It doesn't appear that you can use macros for varied pressure inputs, only key presses.

I'm optimistic that being able to actually program it is just an annoyance, and that further updates to Synapse will add in multiple macro potential, but it's sitting next to my V2, lighting configured, looking like a bored twin at a show they were dragged along to.
@MrBuli I'm hoping that they'll actually fix the garbage. It has the potential to be a great device, but support needs to resolve some issues.

why are you commenting if you're not actually responding to the thread in a constructive manner?
I'm saddened to hear that. It seems that every copy is concerned by the issue.

Anyways it's not like the analogic switch feature is the first thing I love about this keypad but yeah, if you're spending 150€ buying a high quality keypad, you would want everything to work as expected/described.