Deathadder V2 issue | Razer Insider
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Just purchased a deathadder earlier today I’m use to plug and play never had issues with a mouse before. When I plug it in I get no cursor on monitor. No mouse section in device manager it. The mouse lights up, I found the mouse under HID in device manager. I’ve tried troubleshooting with no luck. Also plugged it into another PC and cursor popped up right away with no issues. Any help would be much appreciated
On your PC is it plugged directly into USB port (and not via some USB HUB)?

I'd remove mouse from device manager completely, with drivers and reboot OS. It should install new drivers again.

Or if it doesn't helps - I'd update chipset drivers, BIOS.
Directly to USB port I’ve noticed at bottom of device manager I have an unknown when I look in it says HID-Compliant Mouse. I’ve tried uninstall reboot no luck. Would try restoring PC but kind of worried because I lost access to email windows is linked to due to no longer having the phone linked with email so I would have to deal with apple support and I’d buy a new mouse again before going through that honestly.
Just try with drivers. No need system restoring.

Do you have Synapse software installed? If no - install it, and try removing HID Compliant mouse, reboot and it'll try installing proper mouse driver. If it's still not installed, you can manually install drviers (right click on the HID device, manual update, then you'll just point to the Synapse folder, because there are drivers for it).
The reason I got a new mouse was I thought my last one shit on me was working then all of a sudden cursor just disappeared and have been having this issue. Tried everything recommended same

results. Last mouse was a Logitech 403 and no issues for years up until this weird sht. I know the ports are good keyboard works fine in same ones I try mouse. Mouse gets power because it lights up just device managers all fd. Thinking maybe something internal but idk what it would be.
It's just a software problem (drivers/os).