Deathadder v3 8khz polling rate dropped to one in eight | Razer Insider

Deathadder v3 8khz polling rate dropped to one in eight

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exact same issue That Post Creator gave infos on.. it might be a software issue maybe on Synapse?  

Userlevel 1

Hey man did u ever find a solution to this issue? having a similar issue

Someone changed usb port and solves, you can try it.But it didn’t work for me.

Userlevel 1

Hey man did u ever find a solution to this issue? having a similar issue

Similar problem here mouse is perfect in every way i am just trying to set up 8k polling rate but with no luck yet btw i use to own the deathadderv3 pro but i replaced it with the lamzu and this wired version with bunge is much better but the only issue is the 8k 
