Lost the USB cable for my Pro Click Mouse | Razer Insider

Lost the USB cable for my Pro Click Mouse

  • 23 April 2022
  • 1 reply

I lost the cable that came with the mouse and it's lost it's charge so it's dead.

I can't find a replacement online, anyone have any idea how i can get a replacement. the deep hole that the usb port is located is preventing me from using another cable that i have from reading the port.


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1 Reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +1
Unfortunately, the cable is not available on Razer Care Store, but try contact Razer Support, maybe they'll help you: https://support.razer.com/contact-support/

If not, I've seen some cables on eBay/Aliexpress.
On the other side you could use any micro-USB cable (of course with some modifications - buy the one that has plastic molding around the microUSB connector, then scrap the plastic, so it'll fit the hole and port in mouse).