Real Fix for Double Click Mouse Problem | Razer Insider
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Double Click is a very bad, widespread problem affecting all Razer Mouse

The Solution is simple

Windows Settings > Devices > Mouse > "Additional Mouse Options"

Look for "Double-click speed" and set it to "Fast"

As simple as that.... Double Click Problem Solved

If this Solution doesn't work, you probably have a bad Switch. As we all know by now... below the overpriced, over-hyped fancy design. Razer uses very low quality, cheap hardware in their products.

Its also amazing how Razer Support can be so extremely bad... they will waste your time with pointless, useless troubleshooting like Reinstalling Synapse, Drivers, Firmware, Trying different USB ports... none of that works, its just a complete waste of time.

Razer simply doesn't care about the frustration of thousands and thousands of users, they will never acknowledge there is a BIG Problem with a hole line of their products, and will never ever help fix it... even if its hurting their brand reputation really bad and most users are going to buy another mouse brand

So I hope this post could help someone avoid all the frustration, time lost and even trashing their perfectly working very expensive mouse

For sure I was just minutes away of throwing my Mamba Wireless to the garbage

The problem: A design and the plastic pad choice

the plastic deform the first week, then doubleclicking bug.
How in the heck is doing that setting in Windows suppose to fix that issue? LOL you lost me on that one
wth did i just read