Feedback Requested - Mobile Game Booster | Razer Insider

Feedback Requested - Mobile Game Booster

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30 Replies

Userlevel 7
Insiders! Here's an opportunity for your voice to be heard.

Tell us about your mobile Game Booster experience.

  • What do you like?
  • How can we improve?
  • Do you have any other thoughts on the mobile Game Booster experience?

Reply to this thread and please keep things clean and be nice! Off-topic posts will be deleted. Do not try to derail the topic or hijack the thread. The House Rules will be strongly enforced.

Who knows? Maybe some zSilver will find its way to those who provide really great feedback.

How about iOS support, on Razer Phone it’s preload and it runs pretty well on my usage. I need that for my Applepad Pro 11, and if it could having on screen FPS counters as @Rox598 mentioned you can charge Rich Apple Fansboy €5 to even €10, to me please free code:big_grin_:
Do set the Power Management mode of the Game Booster to Not Optimise. Otherwise sometimes, android will kill the Game Booster. Been there, tried there.

I would like to have the list to show the recent or most played games on the top. Easy to customise your favourite game! Simple feature, yet useful, right?

Anyways, pokemon go at 90hz are solidly fluid, i think your problem is with the screen protector. For me, I don't use any. Juz the screen and stock coating! Very well made.
So in main i think it is a good thing. I had better performance with the Game Booster and compared to other applications they where not that good as the one from Razer. I think you did a good job!
I was wondering I have both Razer phones. And cortex and game booster on both. I noticed that on the RP1 Android 8.1 game booster runs non-stop no matter if your using the app or not. But on the RP2 with 9.0 it doesn't show up in running services at all any time.
Just wondering if anyone else noticed this or may have any input.

Crickets. Really no one has noticed this or has any input?
Need Auto-Tuning Mode to select what is the best setting for each game to optimize performance per watt.
some game can run at 45fps but another game can run 90fps if Game Booster can select CPU Speed, Framerate Target for each game. I think it perfect.
Sorry for bad english.