Credit Card Debt --- Unbelievable | Razer Insider

Credit Card Debt --- Unbelievable

  • 19 November 2020
  • 2 replies

I heard on the news last night that American's credit card debt increased by 20-billion dollars in the last four months and is nearly a trillion dollars. That's incredible

Last I heard about credit card debt was during the Great Recession of 2008. I would think people would have learned not to incur so much debt, especially one that comes with a heavy interest rate.

What's wrong with people? I use it, then pay it off IMMEDIATELY. Why's that concept so hard for people to get...

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2 Replies

Userlevel 2
If are not in debt you need therapy This young married couple was staying in an old wealthy widow’s guesthouse for free in exchange that they kept up the grounds. The husband said one weekend a month fixing household things was about all it took. Her parents wanted her to divorce him. His parents wanted him in therapy. All because they were debt free and was saving money. After 13 years they decided to move on so they bought a 400K house with cash and a few nice vehicles and were set. Never being in debt.
Total Student Loan debt is even higher, and can't be discharged in bankruptcy like CC debt can easily be.

A while back, American Express stopped letting me use my card because I did not have a physical address. Why that matters to them, i will never know. So I started using my debit cards, and spending within my limits. Thanks AMEX, for showing me how easily I can get by without your product.