Do you like cheese? | Razer Insider
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Do you like cheese?

  • 28 November 2022
  • 9 replies

Its just the title

9 Replies

Userlevel 1
I love cheese, I eat it almost every day, but I hate stinky cheeses.
Cheese is the best thing to put on crackers
I love Cheese ❤️
Userlevel 7
Can people with lactose intolerant say they like cheese?
Userlevel 2
Being lactose intolerant doesn't mean you can't like cheese. It means you can't eat cheese.
So yes, you can.
Userlevel 5
Can people with lactose intolerant say they like cheese?

Yes, they will just make everyone around them not want to be near during the aftermath of eating the cheese. :big_grin_:
It depends. I mean, if it's THAT cheese, I love it. If it's THAT cheese, I hate it. Like, I'm sometimes in the mood for it, sometimes not.

This topic is so random lol.

I love Cheese. I even put it in all my meals.
