What just happened? Does anyone got this? | Razer Insider
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I just clicked like button, and this page appears!

P.S I was confused when I saw it. Sorry for unable to catch that post. Plus, I do not unlike the post.
wow, i think thats hidden feature 😣 it works for me

I found more interested part. We can access this form of page by this formula:

"https:// insider.razer.com/index.php?posts/(number of post)/like"

Number of post related with posted order.

Also, "https:// insider.razer.com/index.php?posts/(number of post)/likes" takes you to the list of users who likes that post!

(Sorry for adding a gap after "https://" because Insider page is auto-generating the link)

You could check the number by hovering on like button.

Like this:
I found more interested part. We can access this form of page by this type of link:

"https://insider.razer.com/index.php?posts/(number of post)/like"

Number of post related with posted order.

Also, "https://insider.razer.com/index.php?posts/(number of post)/likes" takes you to the list of users who likes that post!

You could check the number by hovering on like button.

Like this:

interesting, by the way, that web address doesnt work on me

interesting, by the way, that web address doesnt work on me

Those two are formula of link. Not a real address. I will edit it.

Here's an example for second one : "https://insider.razer.com/index.php?posts/809336/likes"

Plus : post number starts with 36, which is not accesible to normal member
Those two are formula of link. Not a real address. I will edit it.

Here's an example for second one : "https://insider.razer.com/index.php?posts/809336/likes"

Plus : post number starts with 36, which is not accesible to normal member

that is awesome, never knew exist LoL