Schön. Die Monitor Anordnung zum Gaming würde ich aber als nicht optimal anordnen. Und auch deine Stromrechnung möchte ich nicht haben. Hast du dauerhaft alle Geräte an? Oder wohnst du in einem Land, wo der Strom besonders günstig ist?
Fine. But I would not consider the monitor arrangement for gaming to be optimal. And I wouldn't want your electric bill either. Do you have all your appliances on permanently? Or do you live in a country where electricity is particularly cheap?
Schön. Die Monitor Anordnung zum Gaming würde ich aber als nicht optimal anordnen. Und auch deine Stromrechnung möchte ich nicht haben. Hast du dauerhaft alle Geräte an? Oder wohnst du in einem Land, wo der Strom besonders günstig ist?
Fine. But I would not consider the monitor arrangement for gaming to be optimal. And I wouldn't want your electric bill either. Do you have all your appliances on permanently? Or do you live in a country where electricity is particularly cheap?
For my gaming is on the center screen (34") and the placement (portrait) is functionally better for how I use these devices on the daily
Klar, für den Alltag ist das Senkrechte Format sicher besser. Auf jeden fall ein nettes Setup.
Of course, the vertical format is certainly better for everyday use. In any case a nice setup.
Next on the list is a more fitting fan.
@Dekades, where's the Razer water bottle? I thought it would be super placed here
Hahaha! Shhh, don't tell Min!
I promise, if this ever happens, I'll meet him at the first one, say nothing. :wink_:
This is my
work/play from home rig.
Belkin N52 Nostromo, BlackWidow Elite, Basilisk, all sitting on a Goliathus Chroma Extended pad.
Guess I'm only missing the Tartarus Pro... heh.
That will probably come in due time.
This is my work/play from home rig.
Belkin N52 Nostromo, BlackWidow Elite, Basilisk, all sitting on a Goliathus Chroma Extended pad.
Guess I'm only missing the Tartarus Pro... heh.
That will probably come in due time.

Now that is an ultrawide if I have ever seen one

What are you working with during the quarantine?
This is my home office....I'm a Blackwidow all the way (have two on this desk but I bet I own about 7 of them) DeathAddler and a Mamba for mice for my workstation and gamer.
Holy crap! My setup in my office isn't even that swanky!
love the 1440p resolution - usually hate the ultrawides....nice setup!
This is my work/play from home rig.
Belkin N52 Nostromo, BlackWidow Elite, Basilisk, all sitting on a Goliathus Chroma Extended pad.
Guess I'm only missing the Tartarus Pro... heh.
That will probably come in due time.

Now that is an ultrawide if I have ever seen one 😲.
Hey, how do you make the writing you use in the signature?
Hey, how do you make the writing you use in the signature?
If you are talking about the rainbow text in the spoiler, there is an online tool that I used, however I do not remember the name of it. Just look up "BBCode Rainbow Text Generator" and you should find a site like it

Many thanks for the tip
love the 1440p resolution - usually hate the ultrawides....nice setup!
Thanks! It's basically two 27" monitors in one. I use a screenbox app to automatically maximize browsers into half screen. Gaming is great on it. I get a wide field of view and extra situational awareness.