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Razer software and log files

  • February 1, 2025
  • 2 replies

A few months ago, I purchased a Razer Huntsman V3 Pro, A Razer Tarturus V2 Pro and a Razer Viper 8KHz.I have no other Razer products.


I have many questions regarding the Synapse 4 and Chroma software.

So many questions I will have to spilt them up into multiple separate posts.


This post pertains to the log files produced by Razer software.


Q1) Why are there so many log files?


Note: In the space of 3 months Razer software created 204 log files on my system. By what I have seen the number of log files will only increase.)


Q2) Why are there log files for devices that I do not own/have?


For example: I have no Razer audio devices, yet there are logs for Razer(?) audio products (RzAudioCapture_V1.0.27.0.log))


Q3) In relation to the previous question, why are log files for Razer devices that I do not have being written to and being updated, at all?


Q4) Why are these unnecessary log files even being created?


Q5) Why are some these unnecessary log files so large?


Note: Some of these unnecessary files are over 10 megabytes in size, and still being written to. This is a huge size for any ‘log’ file, never-mind unnecessary log files.


Q5) Exactly what data is being written to these unnecessary log files?


Note: I mentioned the, over 10 MB, unnecessary log file ‘RzAudioCapture_V1.0.27.0.log’. If I open this log file to view the contents, the contents show times and events. Times and events for Razer devices that do not exist. These files are essentially meaningless to the user and clearly only for Razer’s use.


Q6) Is the Razer software logging non-Razer devices, and if so, why?


For example: Logging my PCs audio devices (none of which are Razer devices).


Q7) What does Razer do with the data stored in these unnecessary log files?


Q8) I am sure Razer is aware that SSD and NVME drives have a limited life, dependant on what data is written to them. What effect does creating and updating these unnecessary log files have on SSD and NVME drives?


Q9) I have not changed any settings on my Razer devices recently, therefore nothing has changed, yet the Razer software logs are still being created and updated. If nothing has changed, why are new log files being created and why are log files still being updated?


Q10) I have not changed any settings on my Razer devices recently, therefore nothing has changed, yet the Razer software logs are still being created and updated. If nothing has changed, what effect does creating and updating these hundreds of log files have on my SSD/NVME drive?


Q11) How would Razer describe the efficiency of their software if it requires so many log files?


Q12) Why is there no option in the Razer software to (completely) disable logs and are there any plans to add a disable logs option?


Q13) I have just checked my main (Windows) disk for log files. There is a total of 1478 log files. I then used the - Windows Disk Cleanup utility, this reduced the number of log files down to 1097. There are still over 200 log files in the ‘C:\[USER_NAME]\AppData\Local\Razer\RazerAppEngine\User Data\Logs’ folder. That means that the Razer logs are nearly 20% of ALL logs on my system. The other logs on my system are Windows logs, application logs (over 100 applications, not including Windows apps), installer logs and other (non-Razer) hardware logs. How does Razer explain all these Razer log files?


Note: The Razer software is creating more log files than my entire OS – Windows 10 Pro, and I could disable those logs if I wanted!


Q14) I can manually delete all the Razer log files (in windows safe mode), but obviously the files will only be re-created. I have made the ‘Logs’ folder read-only, I have made all the log files read-only, but the Razer software still creates/writes log files. What method do I use to disable ALL the log files created by Razer software?


I am sure most or maybe all of the above sounds like I am trolling. I am not, I simply require functional software, not bloatware. I’m on Windows, so bloatware removal became a necessity years ago, I don’t need any more bloatware.


I have never liked the idea of data collection, especially when it comes to my ‘personal’ computer. I don’t know if that is what is going on here, but it is beginning to look like it.


I have never seen software that logs so much, not anywhere near this amount, and I have been using PCs for nearly 40 years. I have to question the point of all these log files. I have a feeling that none of them are necessary. These log files are at very best the result of questionable and poor programming.


I just want a fully functional keyboard etc. with efficient and fully functional software.

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  • February 4, 2025

I found a way to completely deny access to the Razer logs folder. This stops log files being created/updated by Razer software. Synapse will not run if this logs folder is locked. Protected log files, for a software that enables features on a keyboard, very strange.

I have started looking at the log files created and updated by Razer software. I mentioned in the OP that I do not have any Razer audio devices. I notice that my (not Razer) audio devices are being logged in the (Razer software) file ‘main.log’.


When I say that my (not Razer) audio devices are being logged I am referring to my 6 different (not Razer) headphones, 4 x Bluetooth headphones and 2 wireless headsets. The audio output from my graphics card (HDMI output) is also being logged, by Razer software.

There are thousands of entries in the ‘main.log’ file for my (not Razer) audio devices. Every time I change audio device it is immediately logged by Razer software. I have no Razer audio devices!


The leads me to wonder what else is being logged by Razer software.


In the same log file (main.log), there are thousands of entries that are Razer URLs. This strongly suggest that the Razer software is phoning home (connecting to Razer servers). Why Razer needs to know when (for example) I change headphones, only Razer can answer that.


What other information is being sent to Razer servers?


What other information is being sent to Razer servers, for non-Razer products?


Why is any information being sent to Razer servers?


Here are some example URL entries in the main.log file:


[2025-02-03 13:51:33.041] [info]  Running garbage collector on: https://apps.razer.com/chroma-app/dashboard/

[2025-02-03 13:51:33.043] [info]  Running garbage collector on: https://apps.razer.com/synapse/chroma-studio/index.html

[2025-02-03 13:51:33.043] [info]  Running garbage collector on: https://apps.razer.com/synapse/dashboard/

[2025-02-03 13:51:33.043] [info]  Running garbage collector on: https://apps.razer.com/systray/systrayv2/

[2025-02-03 13:51:33.044] [info]  Running garbage collector on: https://apps.razer.com/background-manager/

[2025-02-03 13:51:33.044] [info]  Running garbage collector on: https://apps.razer.com/notification-manager/

[2025-02-03 13:51:33.044] [info]  Running garbage collector on: https://apps.razer.com/synapse/lighting-engine/

[2025-02-03 13:51:33.044] [info]  Running garbage collector on: https://apps.razer.com/synapse/gms-proxy/

[2025-02-03 13:51:33.045] [info]  Running garbage collector on: https://apps.razer.com/notification-manager/?notificationName=restart

[2025-02-03 13:51:33.045] [info]  Running garbage collector on: https://apps.razer.com/synapse/products/678/ui/index.html?containerId=%7B8AC348DB-D2A2-11EF-BF07-181DEA5E30C5%7D

[2025-02-03 13:51:33.045] [warn]  [userLogger][Give Up] https://apps.razer.com/synapse/products/678/ui/index.html?containerId=%7B8AC348DB-D2A2-11EF-BF07-181DEA5E30C5%7D 7 1 [[page-running-garbage]] undefined undefined undefined

[2025-02-03 13:51:33.045] [info]  Running garbage collector on: https://apps.razer.com/synapse/products/580/mw/index.html?containerId=%7B8AC348E2-D2A2-11EF-BF07-181DEA5E30C5%7D

[2025-02-03 13:51:33.045] [info]  Running garbage collector on: https://apps.razer.com/synapse/products/678/mw/index.html?containerId=%7B8AC348DB-D2A2-11EF-BF07-181DEA5E30C5%7D

[2025-02-03 13:51:33.046] [info]  Running garbage collector on: https://apps.razer.com/synapse/products/145/mw/index.html?containerId=%7B8AC348DC-D2A2-11EF-BF07-181DEA5E30C5%7D


I have no idea what info is being repeatedly sent to these Razer URLs, and this, so that I can simply use features on a keyboard and a mouse!!!


The ‘Running garbage collector…’ in most of the entries is almost funny, given that my system drive is being filled up by ‘garbage’ log files created by Razer software!

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  • February 7, 2025

I have noticed that Razer software creates new log files every time I start my system.

I have noticed that Razer software creates new log files every time I open Synapse.

I have noticed that Razer software creates new log files every time I open Chroma.

If I include all the log files constantly created under ‘normal’ use, that’s a hell of a lot of log files, constantly being created.

I fully expect that even more log files would be created if I had more of the Razer software, like Cortex, Axon and so on, probably even for the Alexa module.


Normally log files are used to record errors that may occur, that’s the point of log files. The way in which Razer software records data in log files would suggest that I have had thousands of errors! Many thousands of log entries in hundreds of log files, that’s a lot of errors!


I can only find two errors so far, that would be the Razer software and the failure of Razer Support to respond.


I am running Synapse 4. That would suggest that there were 3 previous versions of Synapse! I can’t imagine how poor quality those older releases were.


I could completely remove all the Razer software, that would stop all the logs. It would also make my keyboard as functional as a cheap $5 keyboard, my mouse as functional as a cheap $5 mouse and my keypad (Tartarus Pro) would be totally pointless. Unfortunately, all this logging is not the only problem. I said in the OP that I had many questions about the Razer software, and that I would have to split these questions into multiple posts.


I am trying not to spend to much time looking at all this garbage, it is extremely depressing. I left buyer’s remorse behind weeks ago and I’d be damn sure that Razer is not going to give me my money back.


I’ve been looking for fixes all over the web, unfortunately the more I read about the Razer software, the worse it gets.

I’ve been looking for lots of fixes and not just for the log files problem. Not good, not good at all!

From what I have read there is only one way to fix problems with Razer software, that is to completely remove Razer software.


I was going to create several other new posts about all the other problems with Razer software. Clearly, I would be wasting my time as, clearly, Razer Support does not exist. I will create one more post detailing all the problems along with a few suggestions for Razer users.


The title of that post will be: “Razer – What Is Going On?”


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