Cortex star failed, please try agian | Razer Insider

Cortex star failed, please try agian

  • Anonymous
  • 0 replies
Every time I try to start cortex I get this error msg. I have uninstalled, restarted my computer, reinstalled and still have the same issue. Someone please help!

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42 Replies Please i have the same error help me
Userlevel 7
Hello there,

To look into this issue, we need your help getting some Razer Cortex logs.

Please download the log tool from here -> unzip it -> run LogCollector.exe and fill out information needed -> click Output and you’ll get a zipped log file on your desktop. To send it over to our developer team, please upload the zipped file to a third-party cloud service and include the download link in your post. Your information is confidential with password protection, no need to worry.

Thank you in advance for your help.

I suggest doing what the Admin said. That would be a good place to start.
Same issue, and with Synapse 3 too. pls fix 😞
Hi folks,
I just logged in here just to reply to this thread.
If your problem is about Cortex failing to startup upon boot, the only real fix I found is that you close that "Try Again" interface then run Cortex normally (not as admin) then try restarting.
Hopefully this helps.

My fix still works like a charm. You guys better try it.
Userlevel 7
hammer and nails should do the trick
Userlevel 2
FBro56 is right ! finish your synapse 3 as soon as possible ;p
Pareil pour moi, trop de probleme de compatibilite entre les differents peripherique razer que j'ai et les synapse 2 et 3. Vous attendez quoi Razer avec vos Logiciels et pilotes, on en a marre !!! 😢
Hi folks,
I just logged in here just to reply to this thread.
If your problem is about Cortex failing to startup upon boot, the only real fix I found is that you close that "Try Again" interface then run Cortex normally (not as admin) then try restarting.
Hopefully this helps.
Has there been any solution to this problem, I have the same problem and have tried to fix it, but the problem still persists.
After a long time of testing (I did tests with Windows Management Instrumental as the user kennethyha commented, but the error still appeared), I think it could be because Cortex has a problem with the Windows registry. When you click on Repair (the second of the 3 options in the RAZER Cortex uninstall window), the program is reinstalled to solve errors and Cortex works again. But this error reappears later if you proceed to perform a routine cleaning of the Windows registry with the system itself or any third-party program. In doing so, Cortex returns to present the same problem of "Cortex star failed, please try again".

So this points to a problem with the consistency of the values of the Cortex installation in the Windows registry. For some reason those values are eliminated or corrupted when the registry proceeds to do a routine cleaning. While other programs do not suffer changes, Cortex suffers from this problem. I think RAZER should proceed to investigate this and find a solution.
You can repair this error from the uninstaller....try uninstalling, from there you will be given multiple is history............your welcome!! GG
here is mine. thanks in advance. I have tried installing from a new download and reinstalling it from that but it still does not work
Hi there,

After analyzing the logs you provided, it appears that this issue was caused by incomplete installation. Please do a clean uninstall and reinstall again to have it fixed.

What is the password for WinRAR users
I checked "msconfig" and all services are all running and i dunno what to do!efRUAayK!MuYVfTaF-H7wMTH9V04SHPbbYZS9NytU5QhLT3PPWUU
same for me
Same issue
Logs here :
Eu tenho o mesmo problema

Hi, I was having the same problem
I found a solution, You had to disable Razer services in msconfig.
Re-enable and restart my computer, And it worked again.

yes this is the solution, SOLVED .. Thanks
Userlevel 6
It happened to me. First CSGO can't start, now Razer Cortex can't open, I have tried all the steps above, waiting for customer support.

Found a fix, msconfig> enable Windows Management Instrumental
Userlevel 6
It happened to me. First CSGO can't start, now Razer Cortex can't open, I have tried all the steps above, waiting for customer support.
Every time I try to start cortex I get this error msg. I have uninstalled, restarted my computer, reinstalled and still have the same issue. Someone please help!

go into the razer folder and use the uninstall tool and re install
any progress? i'm having the same issue

I solved the problem, you have to go to the services and enable all the razer services, from disabled to automatic and everything will be resolved.
same issue here
Ive exactly the same problem,

Logs here :!nT43UIJQ!As1HNI22Quiif2wc05rSCpqxpQwHzIPGiw9_J3ZUmhI