FPS not showing in Steam games | Razer Insider
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When I launch Steam game (like PUBG) via Cortext I can't see FPS in corner. I checked FPS option and set in upper left corner. When game is up and running, there is no FPS. I tried to enable/disable with hotekys too. When I close game, boost is not restored eather! It's like Cortext never noticed that game is launched (even if I launch via Cortext itself). Also, there is no FPS graph after closing game, even if I enabled that option before launching game.

Other games works fine (like Overwatch, ROS...), only with Steam games doesn't work.

Btw, auto-boost works (but not auto-restore).
Hi there, sorry to hear what you encountered.

To investigate this issue, please submit a FEEDBACK with detailed description from Razer Cortex. You can find it from SETTINGS >> ABOUT >> FEEDBACK. Please make sure that "Send log file" option is ticked.

Thank you.