Need 2 for season 7 squad redeem at 100 hours | Razer Insider
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Two of us are not satisfied with our current random squad members getting their daily hours quickly enough and they haven't joined the discord so we can't communicate with them. We're going to attempt to redeem right at 100 hours (for 50k silver) which is an hour after playtime starts tomorrow (Monday), i.e. 9 pm ET. We need two more member with all their hours who can commit to the first hour of play tomorrow, beginning at 8 pm ET, if you're serious about getting some silver with us and can make the commitment please send me a message and I'll send you the link 🙂
8 more hours to get in on our squad we're still looking for one more 🙂
Do you still lokking for someone that makes the hours at the beginign of the day? If yes send me inv by MP or discord.

