Razer Cortex help please | Razer Insider

Razer Cortex help please

  • 11 March 2023
  • 4 replies

Hello so Im relatively new to Razer Cortex but I had a few questions.
1. Every time I launch my pc Razer Cortex is asking for permissions to run.
2. I tried out the optimization features such as system clean / speed up ect after running it I didnt really notice and visual changes but a day later after I restart my pc these changes were made: Clear type was turned off / Display windows contents while moving was off / The blue drop shadow box was white and black dots / and images were not displaying properly and last my systems font was all weird for pc and browser. I was wondering if these are changes that cortex makes if not Im thinking it might be malware but I got ESET Advanced premium and Advanced Malwarebytes so any information would be great thanks!

4 Replies

Hey there!


Thank you for sharing your concern with us here. My name is Michelle from the Razer Cortex PC technical support team. I am happy to assist you with your inqury.


Here are my responses towards your questions.

Answer to the 1st question

We assume “CortexLauncherService” was not installed successfully or it was not started. 


Please launch Razer Cortex, open your Task Manager > Services, find “CortexLauncherService”. Check whether the service is running. If it isn’t, please right-click the service, and “Start” it. 


If you cannot find the service in your Task Manager > Services, please click “Open Services” which is at the bottom of the window of Task Manager Services to open your local services. Find “CortexLauncherService” and right-click it to Start it.


If “CortexLauncherService” is not listed in your local services, it means this service was not installed successfully. Please reinstall Razer Cortex. 


If you have tried the above methods but this isseu persists, please feel free to provide us with your Razer Cortex logs via pm. Our engineering team will further investigate it. 


Answer to the 2nd question

Razer Cortex system clean mainly helps you to scan and remove junk files automatically to free up more disk space. If you use the SPEED UP feature, you can restore to the Windows default by clicking on the icon “RESTORE TO WINDOWS DEFAULT” in SYSTEM BOOSTER > SPEED UP. Then, restart your PC. All optimizations will be restored to Windows default.


Both features will not change the settings you mentioned above. We also did not get any feedback from our users that these issues are caused by Razer Cortex. 


Hope my responses help you. Truly appreciate your feedback and patience. Please always feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions, comments, or feedback when you use Razer Cortex.



I ran all of the razer cortex options so system clean speed up boost defragment all of the options that improved my pc is it possible any of those features could get rid of a file that windows was using but it deemed it as junk?
if razer cortex didnt cause my problem do you have any idea where I could start looking?

Hey there!


Thank you for your feedback. 


When Razer Cortex cleaned your system, there are default cleaning items to clean. Among these cleaning items, if Razer Cortex detected some important files when scanning, Razer Cortex will notice you that these items are not recommended before you clean them.


So, if you did not select the items that were not recommended, Razer Cortex will not delete important files of your system. 



But if you have cleaned these important files after Razer Cortex noticed you, we recommend backuping all important data and reinstalling your system. 


Hope my answer helps. 



why is it each time i do a system clean i get Oops! we encountered some trouble. please restart razer cortex. every thing else is fine, it does this every time now last time i worked was december 3rd 2023, why is this happening? i have uninstalled and reinstalled like 4 times now and i still get it.
