Now that looks like a really long term reusable Razer product.
Hello Friends,
Congratulations Razer. It is a very good initiative an aluminum water bottle to avoid plastic waste when you have to go outside.
Otherwise inside the house, I use glass bottle and glass goblet.
The planet and future generations thank us. ^_^
Dude! I have a degree in Environmental Management and it's so great to see Razer going figuratively green. Love this!
Awesome initiative, now we just need a Chroma Toaster so that we can be all set for the mornings.
Still waiting for RESPAWN to be available in the EU, I loved that RESPAWN bottle a little more because of its smaller size.
Does this come with a Sneki Snek virus inside the bottle?
Wow! nice water bottle!
"It’s black, but it's green." -- love this
Hah, no match to the Razer Mug with the CHROMA STAND!
What about razer lotion is that real?
Damn glad this comes with 1 year of tech support!
Also, it's a nice follow up to my Chroma mug. Hydrate on the go.
No availability for EU i presume, just as usual.
Drink up. Game on, with the Razer Hydrator aluminum water bottle.
Lightweight, durable and 100% recyclable–the Razer Hydrator's not only your best drinking buddy wherever you go, it's also a stylish accessory that sends a message of your support to switch out single-use plastics. It’s black, but it's green
yes sir
This is cool. I really like this. kinda confused why they called it the razer HYDRATOR... I mean you cant market everything like that. in my opinion just call it a water bottle. anyway... glad to see another great product from razer.
Really digging the look of it! Must - get - one!
Sehr cool. Aber warum 35 Euro? Also 20 Euro, dann hätte ich sie gleich bestellt. Dafür gibt es ja schon fast ne Maus und einen Bungy. Bischen sehr teuer.
Very cool. But why 35 euros? 20 euros, then I would have ordered them right away. That's almost a mouse and a bungy. Bischen very expensive.
I was literally looking for a cool water bottle. Lucky me!
Hah, no match to the Razer Mug with the CHROMA STAND!
Got that already. Need the Hydrator now - that clip means it won't take up space inside my Tactical Pro Backpack.
Nice product but where's the chroma ?^^
this is literally for thirsty gamers
Looks cool. Razer has so many things that I need and want. Sadly, I'm saving up for school.
My list with things I wanna to have from Razer just increase with one more

100% recyclable aluminum with a 100% recyclable polypropylene cap

if every living organism on Earth could talk, they would thank Razer for this step.
Wait what...:eek: up to one year warranty for water bottle, that's what I'm talking about 👏

Looks cool. Razer has so many things that I need and want. Sadly, I'm saving up for school.
prioritize school first then u can buy every razer gear u want
Would there be RGB bottle?
Would there be RGB bottle?
DIY with a Razer Chroma HDK Light Pack coiled around it