Seeker//Creed | Gaming Streetwear | Razer Insider
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Our newest line of streetwear is LIVE: check out the Razer Seeker & Razer Creed designs. Bring the gaming essence into your everyday wear, from high-quality tees and comfortable outerwear to complementary accessories. Only 1,337 units available, act fast:
Im going to copy a facebook comment and say its Razer Slav edition clothing.
I prefer the seeker style.
Stealthy black! Hope they release colorful designs too! Not rgb tho
Great looking gear!
Wow ! This gears are on FIRE 🔥

Im going to copy a facebook comment and say its Razer Slav edition clothing.

This comment!
waduhek gaming streetwear o_O
Definitely wasn't what i was hoping for / expecting. The shirts are cool but whew, hate to say it.. kind of pricey imo.
Naaaaice, they look so cool, fully black with green shades. Just in time for the autumn, god i wish i could get my hand on them.
people on the street will call me RAZER nerd, gaming nerd

I can live up to expectations
That was fast 😅

Looks great, but those prices.. are a little steep?
Hello friends,

Magnificent collection of Razer clothing. ^ _ ^

Razer fashion week in Paris soon ? 🙂
Damn those caps! I like it!
Razer swag dawg
Shine bright like a diamond.
Sold out! T__T

Creed Hoodie and Trackpants would have been perfect on me.

1. I'm a Slav and yep, we like tracksuits, it's a legit thing :D

2. It would have looked so sick with my new green hair color! It would have matched perfectly :(

I'm so sad when I can't get my hands on those precious '1337' amazing items.

I wish in the future, Razer would introduce more streetwear and in larger amount. Pretty please? *puppy eyes*
this is sooo slick!
Already sold out? Hope they do another 1337 restock!
Shouldn't be limited edition 😞
I'll probably never get the chance to get one of those, sad they're awesome.
The creed tracksuit looks awesome!
I'll probably never get the chance to get one of those, sad they're awesome.

I feel ya 😞

Our newest line of streetwear is LIVE: check out the Razer Seeker & Razer Creed designs. Bring the gaming essence into your everyday wear, from high-quality tees and comfortable outerwear to complementary accessories. Only 1,337 units available, act fast:

Does the women's wear have real pockets though?