Why you can't buy a Zephry. | Razer Insider

Why you can't buy a Zephry.

  • 27 October 2021
  • 1 reply

The simple answer is resellers have bought all that they can get their hands on using bots. This is the same behavior we have with PS5 and Xbox series X/S. As well as with Vogmask and other online sellers of protective equipment at the start of the pandemic.

So how do you beat a bot, use one or go without that's it you can't beat it. How does Razer beat a bot, change how they sell their product. Stop selling them piecemeal just take orders and fill those orders as you get mask's in. This will stop the resellers for the most part, once they figure out there is no longer an artificial scarcity which Razer is creating by how they are selling them resellers will go away. So Razer just take orders and fill them, I'm willing to wait for a mask and filters as long as I can order them.

Would you pruchase a Zephry even if you had to wait to get it?

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1 Reply

Userlevel 7
The simple answer is resellers have bought all that they can get their hands on using bots. This is the same behavior we have with PS5 and Xbox series X/S. As well as with Vogmask and other online sellers of protective equipment at the start of the pandemic.

So how do you beat a bot, use one or go without that's it you can't beat it. How does Razer beat a bot, change how they sell their product. Stop selling them piecemeal just take orders and fill those orders as you get mask's in. This will stop the resellers for the most part, once they figure out there is no longer an artificial scarcity which Razer is creating by how they are selling them resellers will go away. So Razer just take orders and fill them, I'm willing to wait for a mask and filters as long as I can order them.

Hello GVBlackmoon. We are aware of the situation. There was overwhelming traffic on our site that the team is already working on ways to ensure the stability for future drops. Also, Razer does not support scalping and we’re putting measures in place to stop scalpers. We can guarantee that many legitimate consumers have received their Razer Zephyr. We need your help getting the word out to not buy from scalpers. Stay tuned for the next drop.

*I’ll be locking this thread now. Feel free to send me a PM anytime or visit our self-help options should you have other questions or concerns.