Cortex mobile rewards change? | Razer Insider
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Hi guys, I just discovered the Razer "Paid to Play" programme when I had some time over the holidays, and was pretty hyped about it! When I started there were about 12 games which offered 75 silver each - (as listed on but a coup[le of days ago it seems to have changed to 4 different games at 50 silver apiece - has this happened for everyone else? Is there a schedule or information hub somewhere about which games will be rotated in/out?

Thanks for the info, I hadn't realized it was a holiday bonus.
Hi guys, I just discovered the Razer "Paid to Play" programme when I had some time over the holidays, and was pretty hyped about it! When I started there were about 12 games which offered 75 silver each - (as listed on but a coup[le of days ago it seems to have changed to 4 different games at 50 silver apiece - has this happened for everyone else? Is there a schedule or information hub somewhere about which games will be rotated in/out?


Well you are lucky that you saw 12 games in P2P. In my app I only saw 10 games at 75 Silver each so was earning about 750 Silver a day during that bonus time. Also this time was bonus and now that the holidays are over it has reverted back to the normal system. It will be 25 Silver per game for 4 games so 100 Silver per day during weekdays.
Hi guys, I just discovered the Razer "Paid to Play" programme when I had some time over the holidays, and was pretty hyped about it! When I started there were about 12 games which offered 75 silver each - (as listed on but a coup[le of days ago it seems to have changed to 4 different games at 50 silver apiece - has this happened for everyone else? Is there a schedule or information hub somewhere about which games will be rotated in/out?


Hi hectoring,

You can check out this thread /paid-to-play-mobile-vote-for-february-2020.54587/ . The votes for February's Paid-to-Play games are now open! Featuring awesome titles from various publishers. Go ahead and vote for your desired game. The two game titles with the highest votes by January 31st will be featured in February!