Missing 500 USD worth of Razer Gold | Razer Insider

Missing 500 USD worth of Razer Gold

I recently bought an 500 USD Gift card of razer gold. And I put it in the website where your suppose to but it gave me only 500 Razer silver and not gold. I tried putting it in again and it said it was redeemed, I tried reloading the page and again it was redeemed.

5 Replies







may I know how to withdraw the Razer gold to bank?


To resolve this, I recommend reaching out to Razer's customer support as soon as possible. They should be able to investigate the situation, verify your gift card, and assist you in getting the correct value, which should be Razer Gold, not Razer Silver. Be sure to provide them with all the relevant details such as the gift card code, your account information, and any error messages you encountered during the redemption process. They should be able to provide you with the appropriate koows solution to ensure you receive the correct value from your gift card.
