Piad to play Daily ZSliver reduced to 50. | Razer Insider
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Hello there I noticed that the amount of Zsliver i'm allowed to gain has been reduced to 50 with no seemingly nothing informing me before hand prior. Why has this happened/ In my personal opinion on the subject the entire paid to play program thing isn't much of a loyalty rewards program itself because you have to buy Zgold which you use to buy digital currency for micro transactions in random games as a service properties like "war thunder" and not razer products. Let's say that I wanted a 10 USD code to vrv That's about twenty thousand Sliver it's real price is 10 USD so the exchange rate itself is not in my favor in the slightest that's fine. My old numbers assumed that it was 100 so let's assume that i'm still getting 100 sliver perday we can multiply that by 7 to get the amount per week that's 700. So in one year which is 52 weeks I can only get 36,400 if I just wanted to know where I'd brake nineteen hundred thousand I'd have to multiply 700 28 times rather than 52.

So that effectively doubles the amount of time it'll take up to more than a year for barley 10 dollars worth of discounts. If you're going to be that stingy with it just discontinue the program itself you could replace it with a program that puts more emphases on buying razer products which is something everyone on this forum does already effectively pulling away from whaling in dodgy Chinese web games as potentially offensive as that is to you it's a fact that most of all those games are all pay to win. Needless to say I will no longer be using cortex as the return of the paid to play program was the one incentive i needed to re-install it and it properly mines my data anyway. I've said some rather incendiary things here today but they in no way come from malice. I hope we'll be able to open up a dialog on how to improve the program so it benefit razer and the community as a whole.
50 silver is not much...need to be more